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- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended) | DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended) | RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Regression] Crash when right click on “Add link to bookmark” for pdf files (VB-42313)
- [Regression] F3 doesn’t return focus to search bar (VB-17647)
- [Regression] Vivaldi crashes when opening Notes while presenting a Google Slide (VB-44421)
- [Regression] Web page does not get focus when New Tab Page is set to Homepage (VB-43671)
- [Bookmarks bar] Ampersand (&) does not display in folder items (VB-45213)
- [Menus] Add bookmark context menu item for history items (VB-27010)
- [Menus] Special characters like . and : are underlined in menus (VB-45334)
- [Page Interaction] Webview gets focus when showing internal page (VB-45272)
- [Panels] Alphabetical sorting for accented letters in bookmarks panel (VB-36262)
- [Panels] Favicon missing when using a panel, works on within tab (VB-12180)
- [Panels] Panels are hard to resize (VB-39870)
- [Panels] “Save All as Bookmarks” in Window Panel don’t work for closed tabs (VB-42598)
- [Settings] Keyboard friendly categories (VB-6879)
- [Settings] Tab Muting doesn’t match search for “mute” (VB-40354)
- [Settings] Possible to assign the same keyboard shortcut to two commands (VB-44390)
- [Tabs] Switch tabs by scroll fails between tabs (VB-45220)
- [Quick Commands] Caret jumps in textfield when using arrow up (VB-45494)
- [Sync] Make it possible to use a custom device name (VB-40168)
- [UI] Middle clicking in Back/Forward history drop-down should open the page in new tab (VB-9086)
- [UI] Scrolling with PgUp/PgDn should work when find-in-page is open (VB-45412)
Main photo by Atle Mo