Using F6 it is now possible to cycle keyboard focus between the webpage, bookmarks bar, tab bar and address bar. From here, other keys such as the Tab, Arrows, Enter and Esc keys allow you to focus and manipulate other sub elements.
Download (1784.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit (Recommended)| DEB 32-bit
- Linux: RPM 64-bit (Recommended)| RPM 32-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported)| DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Address Bar] Cannot resolve some keywords correctly (VB-61173)
- [Address Bar] Pasting very long URL into address field crashes UI (VB-59692)
- [Address Bar] Progress bar goes from right-to left when adding content to existing page (VB-21910)
- [Address Bar] Trackpad horizontal scroll doesn’t work (VB-22297)
- [Address Bar][Extensions] Button sorting broken when toggling hidden extensions (VB-61826)
- [Address Bar][Extensions] Hidden extensions use the wrong window color (VB-61456)
- [Address Bar][Search Field] Drag and drop failed (VB-47819)
- [Address Bar][Search Field] Nickname of search engine not working (VB-40002)
- [Address Bar][Search Field] Suggestions not used when search is triggered by clicking triangle button (VB-61903)
- [Bookmarks] Cutting and pasting a bookmark also pastes into the search or address field (VB-57599)
- [Bookmarks] Panel editor height resets on restart (VB-61299)
- [Bookmarks][Windows] Bookmark bar menu reopens when clicking on folder button (VB-61286)
- [Hue] Not all lamps shown (VB-52654)
- [Keyboard][Accessibility][New] Add F6/Shift+F6 focus handling: Allows moving focus between a few UI elements and active pages (VB-61108)
- [Keyboard][Accessibility] Add support for moving keyboard selected tabs with Alt+arrows (VB-61153)
- [Keyboard][Accessibility] Improve keyboard handling in add webpanel callout (VB-60809)
- [Keyboard][Accessibility] Improve keyboard handling in Start page (VB-60662)
- [Linux] Update proprietary media libs from 78.0.3904.70 to 79.0.3945.79
- [Menus] Add move left and right commands to tab menu (VB-61198)
- [Menus] Misalignment of items in tile menu popup when in top bar (VB-61110)
- [Menus] Thin blue line appears next to the menu icon (VB-59950)
- [Notes] Editor height not stored, blurry camera icon and excessive max-height (VB-61931)
- [Quick Commands] “about” missing (VB-61936)
- [Settings] The next stored password is incorrectly displayed when old one is deleted (VB-53519)
- [Settings] Webpage tab focus doesn’t adhere to Focus Cycling setting (VB-61295)
- [Speed Dial] Old entries added by user lose thumbnails on upgrade (VB-61408)
- [Windows] Trash menu reopens when clicking on trash button (VB-61327)
- [macOS] IMDB videos fail to play on Catalina: Partial fix only (VB-58686)
- Clone Selected Tabs clones entire tab stack (VB-61839)
- Link info overlay covered by floating panel (VB-61238)
- Panel toolbar buttons are misaligned (VB-61212)
- Window Background Image does not scale correctly (VB-61208)
Main photo by Akira Hojo