Known issue
- Drag and drop tab to new window causes duplicate tabs (VB-43454)
Download (1307.3)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.10+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux Unsupported DEB: ARM32-bit | ARM64-bit
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Regression] Clicking link opens new tab with focus in address bar (VB-43376)
- [Regression] Occasional focus lost (VB-43290)
- [Regression] Vivaldi crashes after closing tab (VB-43095)
Main photo by Mohammad Alizade