Known Issues
- [macOS] Main menu broken for users with custom menus: updates are disabled and the download link removed (VB-104016)
Download (3269.3)
- Windows
- macOS
10.15+ Universal
- Linux
- [Address bar][Auto-Update][Themes] Restart button has low-contrast in dark themes (VB-103384)
- [Bookmarks] Thumbnail preview text overflows (VB-103972)
- [Calendar] Creating local account creates a calendar named “New Account” (VB-103901)
- [Calendar] Extra local calendar created in calendar first run popup (VB-103960)
- [Capture] Page capture panel select input too narrow (VB-103990)
- [Crash] Popups can cause crash (VB-103883)
- [Crash][Tabs] Trying to drag and drop to the other profile (VB-101573)
- [Extensions][Keyboard] Shortcuts not working (VB-99601)
- [Mail] Standard folder subscription not established on setup of OAuth accounts (VB-103857)
- [Reading List][New] Import from and export to Instapaper CSV (VB-103498)
- [Settings][Themes] Accept-Language popup list incorrect with all dark themes (VB-103981)
- [Tabs] Blue indicator should not appear when trying to move tabs to another profile (VB-103650)
- [Workspaces] “Stack tabs” command stacks and associates tabs from inactive workspaces (VB-103807)
- [Workspaces] Rules description is in scrollable area (VB-101428)
Main photo by Bruce Hong.