Known Issues
- [Address bar][Settings] With native windows and tabs not on top the Vivaldi menu button is overlapped (VB-97898)
Download (3035.12)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Crash][Developer Tools] When closing recently undocked devtools window (VB-97822)
- [Mail] Labels, date, size, and attachment columns are misaligned with the column headers in horizontal view (VB-97585)
- [Tab Bar] Drag to search in a stacks’ tab tab should open the tab inside the stack (VB-97801)
- [Tab Bar] Dragging a tab which plays sound from inside a tab stack to outside of it keeps the audio icon playing (VB-97784)
- [UI] White flash on browser start (VB-92622)
- [Windows Panel] Window/Workspace root level reports wrong number of tabs (VB-96966)
- [Windows][Settings] Empty space on top of address bar if Native Window and Tab Bar at left (VB-97830)
- [Windows][Settings] Remove tab spacing in maximized window does not work (VB-97013)
- [Workspaces] Deleting a workspace creates an empty restored workspace (VB-97833)
- [Workspaces][Settings] Disable and Warn users with options other than “Startup with Last Session” (VB-95507)
Main photo by freestocks