Download (3425.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address bar] Badge hidden when small dropdown (VB-108036)
- [Address bar] Dropdown suggestion icon is grayed out (VB-108143)
- [Address bar] Some dropdown items are not selectable (VB-107878)
- [Address bar][Search] Hide Search Field by Default (VB-107846)
- [Autofill] Add new icons for cards (VB-107948)
- [Blocker][Speed Dial] Content blocker icon appears (VB-107193)
- [Buttons] Reordering buttons in floating panel doesn’t work (VB-90757)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 126.0.6478.192
- [History] Diagrams doesn’t change colour after switching theme without reopen history page (VB-54623)
- [Keyboard] Invisible element on main bar gets focus (VB-107991)
- [macOS] Browser shuts down with shortcut to close web app (VB-107684)
- [macOS] Unable to activate menu items found (VB-23147)
- [Mail] Allow creating IMAP custom folder under any folder (VB-107656)
- [Mail] Cannot sort by all columns (VB-67151)
- [Mail] Duplicate attachments when forwarding an email (VB-104731)
- [Mail] Mail toolbar is misaligned with panel (VB-108078)
- [Mail] Multiple mail tabs can be active at the (VB-107997)
- [Mail] Toolbars are not shown in other windows (VB-104056)
- [Mail][Calendar] Status bar icons don’t move to another window when closing original mail window (VB-106353)
- [Mail][Keyboard] Send Quick Reply when pressing Ctrl+Enter (VB-106511)
- [Panels] Add a button that can toggle desktop/mobile mode for web panels (VB-107903)
- [Settings] Add Domain to Permissions Manager (VB-107455)
- [Settings][Crash] Custom search engine without protocol crashes (VB-107725)
- [Speed Dial] Change default columns amounts from 6 to 7 (VB-108208)
- [Speed Dial] Remembers last selected speed dial group when it should not (VB-107375)
- [Speed Dial] Thumbnails not centered correctly (VB-107968)
- [Switch Tab] Adjusting priority for the Open Tab category (VB-108046)
- [Tabs] New tab in existing stack changes the stack’s original name (VB-107969)
- [Tabs] Problems with rename input operations (VB-107573)
- [Tabs] Wrong tab activation order after closing a tab (VB-107833)
- [Tabs][Settings] Add setting to hide memory Usage tab thumbnail (VB-108062)
- [UI] Close button not correctly positioned in Password Save popup (VB-106584)
- [UI] Focus issues on internal pages (VB-102109)
- [Workspaces] Add a command to move an active tab to a different Workspace (VB-107794)
Main photo by Svitlana.