Download (3381.34)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address bar] Hide Search Suggestion dialog automatically after two URLS have been input (VB-107214)
- [Address bar] Problems with alignment of items in the drop down (VB-107189)
- [Address bar] Search suggestion not ellipsed (VB-107206)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 126.0.6478.60
- [Crash][Extensions] Clicking the Text Blaze extension icon (VB-107067)
- [Crash][Settings] Clicking on “Reset Global Permissions” button (VB-107121)
- [Fullscreen][Settings] Empty bar appears on top, with tab bar on the side (VB-106038)
- [macOS][Panels] Panel not hidden when you hide UI in fullscreen mode (VB-107011)
- [Mail] Issue with preview on demand generation (VB-107262)
- [Mail][Settings] Newly added settings could cause prefetch to be disabled for long term users
- [Mail] oAuth popup dialog keeps showing (VB-107077)
- [Settings][Gestures] Animation do not play for some commands (VB-107244)
- [Speed Dial][Settings] Click is broken if “Allow DnD Reordering” disabled (VB-107227)
- [Tabs] Memory usage info is not displayed correctly on tab stack thumbnails (VB-106402)
Main photo by Aziz Acharki.