Known Issues
- Sync is not currently working for everyone: see vivaldistatus.com
Download (3554.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- 64-bit | ARM64 | ARM [*]
- [Clock][Dashboard] Provide a new time service for clocks to keep them in sync and improve performance (VB-110616)
- [Crash][Mail] Opening an image from a mail message crashes Vivaldi (VB-112248)
- [Dashboard] Add option to make latest Feed item larger (VB-111964)
- [Dashboard] Disabling from Quick Settings should keep QS open when navigating to Speed Dial (VB-110024)
- [History] Not showing graph for day (VB-111997)
- [macOS] Enable delta updates (VB-86498)
- [Mail] Label/Flag shortcuts and reorder/hide labels (VB-111865)
- [Mail] Selecting contact when coming from a threaded view gives scrambled list (VB-112196)
- [Mail] With label dialog open, keyboard shortcuts still act on mail list in background (VB-112363)
- [Panels][Tab Notifications] Dynamic updates not applied in web panels (VB-112353)
- [Site info] Button stops working after loading local file (VB-112354)
- [Spatnav] Skips past the nearest and best vertical candidates (VB-100039)
- [Speed Dial] Quick settings icon overlaps other buttons (VB-112421)
- [Sync] Exclude Webpage widgets from being synced (VB-112369)
- [Sync] Show VivaldiStatus.com message while in error state (VB-112299)
- [UI] Google Meet Sharing Header Stays After Leaving Meeting (VB-111909)
- [UI] Remove Dashboard tip dialog (VB-112286)
- Reverted [Extensions] Do not always work on opening pages in a new tab: the fix caused various issues (VB-109480)
Main photo by Josh Hild.