Known issues
- [Windows] Transparent / black window on startup for some users
Download (2636.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address Bar][Settings] Show search queries history setting does not stick (VB-87733)
- [Bookmarks] Renaming is broken (VB-87413)
- [Crash] UI crash when display info for some images (VB-79919)
- [Crash][PWA] when changing site settings / permissions (VB-85190)
- [Crash][Search] Fails to start if search engine list has been edited (VB-87796)
- [Crash][Settings] After search and “Display All” (VB-87808)
- [Notes] Add text to clickable area in notes manager (VB-87862)
- [Notes] Manager editor placeholder lacks resize handle (VB-87975)
- [Notes] Notify on Adding New Note option is not working (VB-85992)
- [Quick Commands] Focus address field does not work (VB-64381)
- [Quick Commands] Items that have exact match with query should be selected (VB-87829)
- [Search] Entries created by user should not be treated as auto-generated (VB-87855)
- [Search] Migration script can import old removed pre-populated searches (VB-87854)
- [Search] Migration script can set the wrong default (VB-87853)
- [Search] Revert some accidentally modified URLs in legacy pre-populated searched (VB-87976)
- [Search][Settings] Allow removal of Speed dial and search field selected engines (VB-87681)
- [Search][Speed Dial] Search isn’t remembered (VB-87680)
- [Spatial Navigation] URL of selected element not shown on status bar (VB-87920)
- [Speed Dial] Change default Thumbnail Size (VB-87917)
- [Tabs] “Tile Horizontally” is selected by default (VB-87455)
- [Tabs] Moving tab bar position from right to left causes tabs to be reloaded (VB-84094)
- [Tabs][Settings] Wrong tab cycling behavior with right mouse + scroll wheel when “Show tab cycler” is disabled (VB-37067)
- [Translate][Panels] Doesn’t submit with language drop-down selected (VB-88006)
- [UI] Grey background with V logo rendered too frequently (VB-87985)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and Feeds Beta
- [Calendar] Adding reminder at event time will cause -9 hour bug (VB-87840)
- [Calendar] Can not add event in agenda view if no event is shown (VB-87874)
- [Calendar] Ignore invalid data for event attachment (VB-87905)
- [Calendar] Recurrence day of month picker not wrapping (VB-87547)
- [Calendar] Typing in date input broken with some date formats (VB-87716)
- [Calendar][Keyboard] Single key shortcut C does not work for creating a new event (VB-87618)
- [Calendar][Panels] Use “small” icon style for button (VB-87858)
- [Mail] Blank label without a delete option (VB-87395)
- [Mail] Import from M2 duplicates contacts (VB-87839)
- [Mail][Calendar][Performance] Start Mail and Calendar earlier during launch (VB-87928)
- [Mail][PWA] Can not use Mail if PWA launched first (VB-88008)
Main photo by Peter Schulz.