Known Issues
- [macOS][Windows] AAC audio not working following Chromium 92 upgrade (VB-81058)
- Sync temporarily blocked for this version, due to a server incompatibility. If you have used sync before the issue was fixed, it might have created corrupted bookmark or notes entries and you will need to Clear Server Data (using your stable 4.0 install). Affected users will have sync crash when trying to log out and log in again.
Download (2339.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [Address bar] Autocomplete selection incorrect on copy (VB-80764)
- [Address bar] URL bar keeps restoring its original content when you’re typing (VB-80330)
- [Address bar][Linux] Using the middle click to close vivaldi://startpage/ tab pastes clipboard content (VB-79118)
- [Autoupdate] Notification message shows in popup windows (VB-80835)
- [Blocker] Slowing down the browser on shareably.net (VB-80803)
- [Bookmarks] Middle click on a bookmark in the bookmark bar doesn’t open it in a new tab (VB-80848)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 92.0.4515.65
- [Downloads][Panel] Poor performance caused by panel: partial improvement (VB-68202)
- [macOS] Browser crashes on startup on macOS 10.11 (VB-80525)
- [macOS] Proprietary media does not play on macOS 10.11 (VB-80757)
- [macOS] UI says “Update error” when no update is found (VB-80578)
- [Panels] Floating Panel does not close when moving mouse outside or clicking (VB-80574)
- [Panels][Notes] Adding attachment in floating panels broken (VB-80786)
- [Panels][Notes] Remove attachment looks wrong (VB-80744)
- [Quick Commands][Keyboard][Windows][Linux]] Add Ctrl+E as additional default (VB-80836)
- [Settings] Quick Commands always appear in setting search (VB-80210)
- [Settings] Unticking ‘Allow Drag and Drop Reordering’ also hides thumbnail control buttons (VB-75041)
- [Tabs] Accordion drag and drop improvements
- [Tabs] Moving tabs in guest windows is impossible (VB-79215)
- [Tabs] Pinned tabs take up too much space on move (VB-80681)
- [Tabs] Tab doesn’t get removed from stack when multiple tabs are selected (VB-79135)
- [Tabs][Menus] Change “Ungroup Tab Stack” to “Unstack Tabs (x Tabs)” (VB-78650)
- [Themes] Themes in Private Windows render incorrectly (VB-80351)
- [Themes][Extensions] Unread count unreadable (VB-80179)
- [UI] The Default browser Call-to-action may cover a dialog (VB-80697)
- [Windows][Linux] Password import from Chrome/Chromium is not possible (VB-78286)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [Calendar] Calendar selector clipped in event dialog (VB-80869)
- [Calendar] Google tasks not marked as complete when new account is added (VB-80871)
- [Calendar] Import Web Calendar console errors: Can not create alarms, event not found (VB-80283)
- [Calendar] Keyboard navigation bugs in agenda view (VB-80412)
- [Calendar] Show feedback when refreshing CalDAV Calendars (VB-80148)
- [Calendar] Use full dialog in response “New Event” button (VB-80755)
- [Calendar] Incorrect week number shown (VB-80977)
- [Calendar] Annually repeating dates are not displayed (VB-80705)
- [Calendar] Connecting to Zoho Calendar via CalDav gives parser error (VB-80944)
- [Calendar] Task duplicated on creation’ (VB-80946)
- [Mail] Deleting mails very, very slow in large folders (VB-70793)
- [Mail] Gmail accounts that do not end in gmail.com don’t go through the OAuth authorization procedure (VB-77859)
- [Mail] Import from M2 fails if M2 has an RSS account (VB-80936)
- [Mail] Orange.fr mails are not loaded via IMAP (VB-80253)
- [Mail] When sending e-mails fail the user is not notified and a single failed email can possibly prevent all the others from being sent (VB-80738)
- [Mail] Certain emails not visible with a dark theme (VB-64824)
Main photo by Sincerely Media