Next level theming with custom icons, plus mail drag and drop – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2955.3

Today’s snapshot brings support for custom icons in themes, allowing for a wider range of possibilities. On mail you can now drag and drop between account folders, custom folders, labels, flags, unread, junk, trash, archive, etc.

Custom icons

With this snapshot we introduce theme support for custom icon sets for all toolbar icons. You can change just a few icons to tweak your favorite theme or produce a full set and make a completely new look and feel for Vivaldi. Go ahead and emulate the look of some other software, or come up with an entirely unique design. And your new themes can be uploaded to our themes site for others to enjoy. If design is not your strong point, you will be able to download the themes that others have uploaded.

We have also updated the default icon set. Let us know what you think! As part of that change we also altered the default layout of icons (for those without customisations). If you have made changes but would like to see how things now look for new users, start a clean “standalone” install or back up and temporarily move your user data folder (preferences).

In addition to the new default look, we have a handful of example themes for you to try, to get a taste of what is possible.

  • Minimal Feather (small stroke icons)
  • Internet (a throwback to another era, big and colorful)
  • Win 95 (inspired by the colors and icon style of the classic OS)
  • Hand Drawn (hand drawn style)
  • Knobs (thick beveled icons for you to click)
  • Thin Panel (older style, ‘thinner’ panel icons for anyone feeling nostalgic)

There is also a new filter on the themes page to show only themes which have custom icons.

Finally, if you need help making icons, check out our page on Creating a custom icon set to get you started.

Mail drag and drop

We have now added the ability to drag and drop mails between folders, in addition to previous methods of moving mail such as context menus. Additionally you can drag mails to change some state or property, such as dragging to unread to mark them as such, or dragging to a label or flag to apply those. The nature of mail allows for fairly complex combinations, such as mail moved across accounts, from offline to online or from virtual representations (like “Received”) to custom IMAP folders. We have tried to handle various situations in what we consider to be the most logical way, however testing and feedback will help us confirm this. So if you use mail, try out this feature and let us know how it works for you.

Download (2955.3)


  • [New][Themes][Icons] Allow for icon customisation in themes (VB-90222)
  • [New][Mail][Drag-and-drop] Allow dragging a mail to a label, flags, custom folders (VB-56533)
  • [Address bar] Adding a space in the URL field doesn’t unselect item (VB-95720)
  • [Address bar] Run wrong item when using search engine nickname (VB-95605)
  • [Bookmarks] Adding separator in bookmarks results in empty bookmark with white icon (VB-95519)
  • [Calendar] CalDAV multi get now retries with smaller batch in case of error (VB-94722)
  • [Calendar] Reminder for recurring event shows repeatedly (VB-95698)
  • [Chromium] Upgraded to 110.0.5481.195
  • [Drag-and-drop] URI list can not hold multiple URLs and this should be handled (VB-95836)
  • [Icons] New default icon set (VB-95691)
  • [Linux] “Show Quit Confirmation Dialog” option not bound to Ctrl+Q on Linux (VB-58771)
  • [Linux][Settings] The Sec-Ch-Ua (Client Hints) setting can only be located via search (VB-95726)
  • [Mail][Pop3] Can not delete mail on server (VB-95654)
  • [Panels] “Windows” panel is still named “Window” (VB-95329)
  • [Settings][Sec-Ch-Ua] Custom brand masking validation (VB-95508)
  • [Settings][Sec-Ch-Ua] Defunct Append Vivaldi Brand setting checkbox (VB-95546)
  • [Settings][Sec-Ch-Ua] Incorrect version in Chromium brand part of Client Hints when using Vivaldi or Custom brands (VB-95508)
  • [Themes] Use a higher resolution image in the Beach theme (VB-95810)
  • [Welcome page] Adjust to new toolbar layout (VB-95691)

Main photo by Siora Photography