Download (2439.3)
- Windows: 64-bit for Win7+ | 32-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.11+
- Linux: DEB 64-bit | RPM 64-bit
- Linux: DEB ARM32-bit (Unsupported) | DEB ARM64-bit (Unsupported)
- Linux: non-DEB/RPM [help]
- [New][Downloads][Panels] UI improvements for download panel details (VB-81160)
- [Address bar][Crash] Pressing the key icon in popup’s address bar (VB-80953)
- [Capture] Double notifications when capturing to clipboard (VB-83166)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 94.0.4606.72: includes security fixes from upstream)
- [Crash][Mail] Clicking mail status bar icon sometimes causes Vivaldi to turn grey (VB-83099)
- [Linux] XPM files used by the Debian menu system show a very old logo
- [Linux][Media] Update proprietary codecs to 95.0.4638.17-104195
- [macOS] Already up to date message appears in address-bar when no manual check for update has been done (VB-83185)
- [macOS] Window chrome update (VB-83120)
- [Panels][Regression] Window Panel no longer bolds the current tab (VB-83193)
- [PWA] Restored as normal Vivaldi windows after updating and restarting (VB-83272)
- [Privacy] “Save Browsing History” set to “Session Only” should also apply to closed tabs/windows (VB-34217)
- [Privacy] Block idle detection API by default (VB-83244)
- [Search] Add suggest URL for Neeva (VB-83000)
- [Tabs] Selection is incorrect after creating a tab in second level tab stack (VB-83076)
- [Translate] The language list in the dropdown is too wide (VB-82900)
Changelog for Mail, Calendar and RSS Beta
- [New][Mail] Add support for Drag and Drop of attachments (VB-76643)
- [Mail] Status popup in status bar partly hidden (VB-83224)
- [Mail] The count of new unread messages shows unread +1 (VB-80782)
- [Mail] Improve UI for Mail Status dialog (VB-82806)
- [Mail][Menus] Add menus for mail header and mail content (VB-83163)
- [Mail][Calendar] Google login popup on restart with an OAuth Google account (VB-82865)
- [Mail][Calendar] Logging into Google Account in mail and calendar logs you into Google websites (VB-69098)
- [Calendar] Add as CalendarEvent from mail shows garbage URL (VB-79406)
- [Calendar] Can’t sync Fastmail calendar (VB-77873)
- [Calendar] Update calendar color in calendar overview (VB-78670)
Main photo by Vincent Maret