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- [History] Sorted by date not listed in correct order (VB-99167)
- [Mail] Feeds View Filter off by default in Unread/Received (VB-99358)
- [Mail] Flagging database can get in a state that prevent syncing read status up to IMAP (VB-99449)
- [Mail] Opening IMAP/Draft discards body text (VB-98306)
- [Mail] Search doesn’t find IMAP sent messages (VB-99108)
- [Notes] Deleted from the notes panel are not deselected from the notes manager (VB-98902)
- [Notes] Scrolling gets stuck upon holding down arrow button in Notes Manager (VB-83855)
- [Notes] Text is not updated when creating a new note (VB-94169)
- [Workspaces] Button shows audio indicator when it shouldn’t (VB-99342)
Main photo by Amr Taha.