Download (3238.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address bar] Autocomplete matches t from https (VB-102878)
- [Address bar] Best Result Shouldn’t pick search suggestion items by its URL (VB-102931)
- [Address bar][Sync][Tabs] Syncing causes slowdown (VB-102779)
- [Address bar] Search doesn’t search for the right thing (VB-102365)
- [Address bar] Using domain expansion doesn’t generate typed history (VB-102547)
- [Address bar][Bookmarks] “Open address in new tab” doesn’t work for bookmark folder nicknames (VB-102479)
- [Bookmarks] Folders are duplicated when filling the bookmark bar (VB-102693)
- [Bookmarks] Problem saving bookmarks when lots of folders present (VB-90452)
- [Bookmarks] Thumbnail is sometimes lost (VB-102214)
- [Calendar] A lot of delete errors in event log (VB-102888)
- [Calendar] Browser stuck with recurring task (VB-102176)
- [Calendar] Can not delete calendar on vivaldi.net (VB-102212)
- [Calendar] Check if already subscribed to webcal before adding (VB-102550)
- [Calendar] Deleted recurrence exception not deleted on sync (VB-102591)
- [Calendar] Import hangs on parsing error (VB-101667)
- [Calendar] Make it clearer that the Calendar’s button opens a menu with more options (VB-102926)
- [Calendar] Notify user when an error message is logged (VB-102554)
- [Calendar] Recurring event duplicates on sync (VB-102540)
- [Calendar] Subscription of previous webcal creates duplicated events (VB-102821)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 120.0.6099.205
- [Crash] While creating Private Window (VB-99792)
- [Crash] With multiple windows with different profiles open and you close one (VB-102377)
- [Feeds] Feeds load as XML instead of previews when opened as new tabs (VB-102318)
- [Mail] Add a thousand separator for migration progress message (VB-102518)
- [Mail] Delete/Undelete and Archive/Unarchive toolbar icons use the same icon for two different actions (VB-100315)
- [Mail] IMAP logic for what clients are connecting is faulty (VB-102612)
- [Mail] Improve the “your mail is in another window” message (VB-102521)
- [Mail] Notify user when an error message is logged (VB-102287)
- [Mail] POP code revision, brings a few fixes and better performance
- [Mail] Panel does not auto-open when visiting the mail tab (VB-102562)
- [Notes] Add notes inside folders to clipboard when copying contents (VB-102580)
- [Notes] List is not scrollable (VB-102499)
- [Notes] When exported need better titles (VB-67999)
- [Sessions][Panel] Internal icons are not aligned (VB-102515)
- [Sessions][Panel] Workspaces not listed in correct order: further fix (VB-102553)
- [Settings] Cannot export passwords (VB-100705)
- [Settings] Move Site Permissions UI to Vivaldi (VB-100958)
- [Settings] Viewing or clearing individual cookies not possible by keyboard (VB-27226)
- [Settings] Wrong UI behavior when blocking sound in site permissions (VB-85603)
- [Settings][Workspaces] Delete Workspace Rules when resetting settings (VB-102320)
- [Settings][Workspaces] Make it more visually obvious that rules can be reorganised (VB-102425)
- [Tabs] Flickering when tabs get small (VB-102748)
- [Tabs] Missing gap between Vivaldi menu button (VB-102858)
- [Tabs] Pinned tab stack items overflow outside of stack border (VB-102432)
- [Tabs] Tabs are not closing if clicking close-button within the tab or “Close tab” within context Menu (VB-102368)
- [Tabs] Ungrouping a tab stack where the tabs are tiled also untiles the tabs (VB-102584)
- [Tabs] Vivaldi button remains visible when going fullscreen with tabs on the side or bottom (VB-102865)
- [Themes] Expose alternate mail icons states in Theme Editor (VB-102851)
- [UI] QR code dialog does not display correctly in non-English languages (VB-102659)
- [Window Panel] Search does not match synced tabs (VB-102886)
- [Workspaces] Rules are working when Workspaces are disabled (VB-102528)
- [Zoom] The level is retained on the start page (VB-102338)
Main photo by Eyestetix Studio.