Full history sync
Previously we synced typed history. This was useful in the address field for locating a URL you had typed before, even if you did it on one of your other devices. But what about URLs you did not type? The ones you navigated to via following links for example. For these these you would need full history syncing (not just typed). Well… now you have that! Both for address field dropdown matching or if you go to the history tab.
Synced tabs in the address field
Somewhat related to the previous feature but also distinct in its own right is that we now prioritise matching against tabs (titles and URLs) that are currently open on your other devices and additionally include them in their own address bar dropdown section (which can be enabled or disabled in settings).
Workspace Rules
From this snapshot you have the possiblity to define rules that can be used to automatically move tabs to the correct workspace based on matching URLs. So if you go to Amazon it will be moved to your shopping workspace for example. Or perhaps you want all work related URLs to end up in your work… workspace. 😉
Sessions Panel
Sessions just got a lot more powerful. Now we have a new sessions panel. From here you can (more) easily rename them. But you also gain a bunch more options, such as the ability to view and edit their contents without having to restore them first. Each session is like its own complete Windows panel. You can use the tree like structure to move tabs around, create new stacks or exclude tabs from loading next time you restore. In fact you do not even have to restore the entire session. If you want, just use the search field to find one old tab and open its URL as a new tab in the current session. And to make it easier still, we now have an option to automatically backup your current session.
It is sort of like having your own time machine, allowing you to go back to any saved point in your browsing past or even …manipulate the past! 🧙
Download (3189.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [New][Sync] Support full history sync instead of justed typed
- [New][Address Bar] Add synced tabs (VB-100876)
- [New][Workspaces] Workspace Rules (VB-97964)
- [New][Panels][Sessions] Add a Sessions Panel (VB-71806)
- [Address Bar] Don’t take domain only item for best result (VB-101325)
- [Address Bar] Paste and go opens Bing search result (VB-101203)
- [Address Bar] Pressing enter in address bar is slow with large history (VB-99872)
- [Address Bar] Should run url even with trailing space (VB-101328)
- [Address Bar] Shouldn’t display bestResult when pressing Delete (VB-101370)
- [Address Bar] When address bar “autocomplete best result” is off, the default selection bar is inaccurate (VB-101386)
- [Address Bar] autocomplete on wrong category (VB-101220)
- [Address Bar][Search field] Search text cleared on page load: added setting (VB-100952)
- [Address Bar][Search field][Keyboard] Cannot select old search entries (VB-100954)
- [Address Bar] Search category click not consistent (VB-101030)
- [Address Bar] Wrong title when going to URL (VB-101029)
- [Address Bar] change hint highlight color (VB-100671)
- [Autocomplete] Dissociate autocomplete from best result item (VB-100292)
- [Bookmarks] Add Vivaldia 2 to the Speed Dial (VB-100731)
- [Bookmarks] Certain pages will not be bookmarked by any means (VB-101081)
- [Bookmarks] Replace folder icons with chevron in text-only mode (VB-100860)
- [Break mode] Callout not closed on click outside (VB-100837)
- [Calendar] Accepting new meeting time did not update meeting (VB-100159)
- [Calendar] Add iCloud option for calendar account creation (VB-100838)
- [Calendar] Clicking the “next month” arrow jumps ahead two months (VB-100328)
- [Calendar] Dialog editor jumps when pasting long URL. (VB-100799)
- [Calendar] Don’t dismiss calendar notifications with click outside (VB-100985)
- [Calendar] No scroll bar in template dialog (VB-101294)
- [Calendar] Password not saved for iCloud account. (VB-100982)
- [Calendar] Performance regressions (VB-101018)
- [Calendar] Reminder is shown momentarily in upper left corner (VB-101210)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 118.0.5993.138
- [Crash] Browser crashes randomly repeatable on various web pages (VB-96915)
- [Crash] On opening named popups (VB-101253)
- [Crash] On opening private window (VB-101207)
- [Crash] On speed Dial navigation (VB-101057)
- [Crash] When trying to open Paypal window or something similar (VB-101025)
- [Direct Match] Match earlier (VB-101273)
- [Extensions] Action popups don’t close on outside click (VB-100816)
- [History] Graphs not updating when changing time period (VB-100966)
- [Image Properties] Not able to view properties for local images (VB-32703)
- [Keyboard] Shortcut Ctrl+Enter for “send mail” missing in settings (VB-78530)
- [macOS] “Update Available” shows on toolbar when auto-updates are disabled (VB-81403)
- [macOS] Bookmark menu becomes empty (VB-100824)
- [macOS] Clicking Tab Cycler entry opens a context menu (VB-100680)
- [macOS] Menu Bar menu not updated when all windows are closed (VB-100580)
- [macOS] Menu bar actions fail with no open window (VB-100645)
- [macOS] Remove old keychain migration code (VB-101231)
- [Mail] Constraint error in the imap table on reconnect (VB-90221)
- [Mail] Goto next unread not working in a single thread view (VB-74159)
- [Mail] Rebuild mail search db based on raw files on disk (VB-100738)
- [Mail] Remove the intermediary “Move from” context menu when there’s only one account (VB-94680)
- [Mail] filters can easily be deleted, with no way to recover (VB-95267)
- [Mail][Sync] Using sync and removing a mail account will remove password for same mail account on another device/profile (VB-101235)
- [Mail][Toolbars] Correcting the names in the editor (VB-101512)
- [Menus] Copy link in email editor and note manager not working (VB-100988)
- [Menus] Incorrect toolbar shown in Vivaldi menu > View > Customize Toolbar (VB-101484)
- [Menus] Show Address Bar missing from View Menu (VB-67296)
- [Menus][Workspaces] Use toolbar menu button to create New Workspace (VB-96596)
- [Notes][Tiling] Unable to edit Notes tab with tiling enabled (VB-101063)
- [Onboarding] Unresponsive buttons on side of welcome screen (VB-101259)
- [Panel] Buttons scrollbar obscures counters (VB-101212)
- [Platform integration] Honor system-wide “reduced motion” accessibility setting (VB-101291)
- [Private Window] Missing UI after closing uBlockOrigin window (VB-101254)
- [Private Window] Theme the window appropriately while loading (VB-101513)
- [Quick Commands] Search results not highlighted after scrolling with a mouse (VB-101093)
- [Reader] View flashes background (VB-100835)
- [Settings] Script error if Client Hint are disabled from the command line (VB-96185)
- [Settings] Search is not functionning properly in French (VB-96768)
- [Spatial navigation] Move focus with the spatnav indicator (VB-100065)
- [Speed Dial] Titles in are not clickable (VB-81344)
- [Tabs] %3D in favicon URLs breaks rendering (VB-101335)
- [Tabs] Broken fullscreen for tiled page video (VB-101154)
- [Tabs] Compact selection is broken (VB-100741)
- [Tabs] Drag-and-dropping a tab to the bottom of the window moves it to workspace below (VB-100659)
- [Tabs] New tabs opened as a tab stack with a shift-click do not gain focus (VB-99916)
- [Website Compatiblity] Session storage does not work in named popups (VB-99904)
- [Workspace] If workspace name matches with browser’s menu item, it will be translated in non-English UI localization (VB-101333)
- [Workspaces] Editing a workspace’s icon overflows the UI when you have too many workspaces (VB-101130)
Main photo by Nick Fewings.