Download (3054.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address Bar] Keep best result when typing new text (VB-96015)
- [Address Bar] Remove dropdown category “From …” (VB-98029)
- [Address Bar][Settings] Disabling “Search in Address Field” and Autocomplete is not working as intended (VB-97928)
- [Bookmarks] Bookmarking on Youtube saves the wrong name and description (VB-90350)
- [Bookmarks] Need tooltips for bookmarks panel when the title is too long to be displayed (VB-32884)
- [Bookmarks] URL stored in title field (VB-55938)
- [Calendar] Completed tasks still appear in Calendar Status Upcoming Events popup (VB-97451)
- [Calendar] It should not be possible to create new tasks in the agenda by clicking between items in the sidebar (VB-97381)
- [Calendar] Plus sign when dragging to move event (VB-89980)
- [Calendar] webcal(s):// URI protocol dialog revamp: support for WebCAL subscriptions (VB-93544)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 114.0.5735.137
- [Crash] If a shortcut is created to a website with a bad SSL certificate (VB-98287)
- [Crash] On sleep or network connection change (VB-98009)
- [Crash] When clicking on mailto links; also fixes a window.open crash (VB-97676)
- [Crash] When updating the sync thumbnail reference for a deleted bookmark (VB-97997)
- [Crash] While window.open (VB-98040)
- [Extensions] The counters on the extension icons are always the same color (VB-98002)
- [Feeds] Deduplicate Mail addresses; use item authors then feed authors (VB-97748)
- [Feeds][Performance] Cache revalidation, backoff failing, reduce redundant parsing (VB-97849)
- [macOS] Opening a new Window there is no focus on this window (VB-97912)
- [macOS] Title bar is shown when window is in fullscreen (VB-96235)
- [Mail] Button should be shown on the Start Page (VB-98294)
- [Mail] Don’t hide From/Reply-To mismatch warnings for common emailer domains (like GMail) (VB-97929)
- [Mail] Fix sorting into filtering groups to prevent incorrect filtering (VB-97136)
- [Mail] Keep the size of the list and message view constant (VB-96009)
- [Mail] Mails in filter that do not belong there (VB-95366)
- [Mail] Missing toolbar in new window (VB-97725)
- [Mail] Multiple From addresses cause Reply-To warning (VB-97930)
- [Mail] Offer a shortcut to open Mail window when info message is shown (VB-98319)
- [Mail] Reply will result in replying to yourself if the Sent tab is selected (VB-94632)
- [Mail] Search bar is not positioned correctly when tabs are not on top (VB-96227)
- [Mail] Warning about name containing an email address is too sensitive (VB-95869)
- [Mail][Calendar] Vivaldi accounts are using OAuth but re-prompted for passwords (VB-96224)
- [Mail][oAuth] Cannot setup Yahoo account (VB-97852)
- [Panels] Panel contents are incorrectly displayed when the system resizes the window (VB-85105)
- [Profiles] Removing a user profile can freeze the browser (VB-97948)
- [Profiles] Replace Google graphics in Profile selector dialog (VB-93927)
- [Search] Update search URL for Bing (VB-97856)
- [Settings] Keyboard access in saved passwords (VB-52423)
- [Speed Dial] Accidental drag leads to entries removal after Esc (VB-97785)
- [Tabs] Closing tab in tab stack does not go to last open tab (VB-98021)
- [Tabs][Workspaces] Alignment issues (VB-98220)
- [Toolbars] Hide the “Update Status” button in the Toolbar Editor on Linux (VB-96638)
- [Website compatibility] JavaScript method window.resizeTo and resizeBy not working. (VB-51077)
- [Welcomepage] Link to themes.vivaldi.net front page instead of /featured
- [Window Management] Pop-up windows with unnecessary toolbars (VB-81539)
- [Windows Panel] Window/Workspace root level reports wrong number of tabs (VB-96966)
- [Windows][Linux][Menus] Make Vivaldi menu icon look more obviously interactable (VB-98025)
Main photo by Diana Polekhina