Download (3001.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [Address bar] Down arrow triggers a search for a URL (VB-96611)
- [Blocker] Can’t change site content blocker level setting when URL ends with a period (VB-96537)
- [Bookmarks] Simplify UI for Add Bookmark (VB-91681)
- [Calendar] Can’t add new event (VB-96398)
- [Calendar] Event invitation dialog refresh (VB-95463)
- [Calendar][Mail] Share same refresh and access_tokens for OAuth (VB-95258)
- [Capture] Cannot start screen capture inside flexible space (VB-96846)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 112.0.5615.141
- [Crash] After clicking a link (VB-96817)
- [Crash][Developer Tools] if switching from docked to undocked window (VB-96734)
- [Developer Tools] Is not displayed correctly in the private window (VB-96765)
- [Developer Tools] Undocked developer console, the mobile part, isn’t working (VB-94893)
- [Extensions] Popup is displayed incorrectly when placed in the status bar (VB-96761)
- [Extensions][Keyboard] Shortcuts don’t work (VB-14668)
- [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 112.0.5615.49-110926 (VB-96712)
- [macOS] Fullscreen incorrectly restored after restart (VB-93085)
- [macOS] Navigation buttons overflow the toolbar with a high UI zoom (VB-96552)
- [Mail] Panel not updated when setting up first POP3 account (VB-96466)
- [Panels] Address field’s dropdown in panel shows incorrectly (VB-96292)
- [Performance] Increase speed by hiding process identity (VB-96068)
- [Periodic reload] “Disable All” periodic reloads should only apply to the active workspace tabs or web panel tabs (VB-96383)
- [Search] Suggestions don’t go over the whole width when Address bar is a Pop-Up (VB-90423)
- [Settings] Content blocker settings should scroll to focus (VB-79063)
- [Settings] Window minimum size is smaller than can be seen (VB-96831)
- [Site compatibility] Main panel on habr.com is not visible (VB-96762)
- [Site compatibility] Make Chrome the default Client Hints Brand (VB-96837)
- [Speed dial] Context menu doesn’t work within folder (VB-96788)
- [Tabs] Untile Tabs missing from Tab’s context menu (VB-96526)
- [Themes] Add border between Navigation and Tab bar (VB-96438)
- [Themes] Various high contrast mode fixes (VB-96360)
- [Toolbars] Editor needs a label for the default toolbar (VB-95850)
- [UI Zoom][Address bar] Glitch on OS buttons when address bar is hidden (VB-96873)
- [Windows][Installer] Incorrect spacing under the install path (VB-96784)
- [Workspaces] Can become empty (VB-96594)
- [Workspaces] Change “Copy Address” to “Copy Link” (VB-96550)
- [Workspaces] Context menu open in another workspace not working properly (VB-96622)
- [Workspaces] Fix default keyboard shortcuts for switching workspaces (VB-96690)
- [Workspaces] Icon selection dialog is broken when creating new workspace with commands (VB-96648)
- [Workspaces] Open the active page’s workspace on start (VB-96702)
- [Workspaces] Workspace names should not be translated (VB-96937)
Main photo by Vladimir Vereshchagin