Vivaldi Social
In this snapshot we have added a default web panel for Vivaldi Social our Mastodon instance. Here is a little intro video featuring yours truly or head to our announcement blog post for more details.
Known Issues
- [Windows] The native windows setting might be broken for some users (making windows hard to close or move): Open settings and disable this. Then close using the Windows task bar or using keyboard shortcuts. Now restart.
Download (2861.3)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- [New][Panels][Mastodon] Add ‘Vivaldi Social’ as one of the default web panels (VB-92926)
- [New][Panels][Periodic Reload] Web reload not retained when restarting browser (VB-92986)
- [New][Settings] Re-structure settings order and add colored icons (VB-92771)
- [Accessibility] Insufficient contrast for placeholder texts (VB-92985)
- [Address bar] Autocomplete ignores case (VB-92746)
- [Address bar] Autocomplete and selected item are different (VB-92811)
- [Address bar] Change the way we sort bookmarks (VB-93011)
- [Address bar] Don’t autocomplete when entering a space (VB-93013)
- [Address bar] Keep selected item when typing full URL (VB-92882)
- [Address bar] Search using keyword with more than one letter will suggest from keyword (VB-92409)
- [Address bar] Selection flickering in address field (VB-91913)
- [Address bar] Wrong search suggestions show (VB-92929)
- [Address bar][Crash] Typed URL should never be undefined (VB-92821)
- [Bookmarks] “Always Open Bookmark Dialog” setting isn’t applied to adding bookmarks from the Address Bar (VB-90338)
- [Bookmarks] Descriptions are lost when exported in HTML (VB-17786)
- [Calendar] Entering Date can trigger single-key shortcut (VB-92840)
- [Calendar] Error when parsing CalDAV (VB-92815)
- [Calendar] Events not synced using horde server (VB-93135)
- [Calendar] Notification for new calendar events not shown (VB-92938)
- [Calendar] Task panel search box loses focus (VB-92747)
- [Calendar] Update event exception API method added (VB-87204)
- [Calendar] Created through Vivaldi doesn’t support vTODO (VB-92993)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 108.0.5359.58
- [Clock] Alarm deletion icon is aligned to the bottom (VB-88159)
- [Linux] Change wording in “Media Support” dialog (VB-92994)
- [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 108.0.5327.0-109222
- [Linux][Wayland] Blank app_id provided to the window manager (VB-88191)
- [macOS] Snapshot builds create a “Vivaldi” entry (rather than “Vivaldi Snapshot”) in Notification Center (VB-90636)
- [macOS][Updates] Update Sparkle library to 2.3.0 (VB-92797)
- [Mail] Issues with moving email to offline account (VB-89389)
- [Mail] Mails sent from me to mailing list show up in unread folder with mailing lists filtered out (VB-88291)
- [Mail] Mark as read when moving to trash/archive/junk (VB-85107)
- [Mail] Import process keeps lock on imported file (VB-92238)
- [Mail][Keyboard] Undo delete not working (VB-87695)
- [Notes][Panel] Entering and exiting full view doesn’t restore panel sizing (VB-92789)
- [Notes][Panel] Return key does not confirm creation of folder (VB-90279)
- [Panels] Task title/text should align vertically (VB-93031)
- [Panels] Not hidden in fullscreen and chromeless modes (VB-93036)
- [Panels] Web Panel toolbar buttons should always be 16x16px (VB-92941)
- [Profiles] Icon got smaller (VB-93149)
- [Reading list] Filter has gone after click (VB-91762)
- [Search][Settings] Change POST configuration (VB-89665)
- [Settings][Commands] Add command always focuses last command (VB-90520)
- [Settings][Commands] Empty space command chain in settings (VB-89630)
- [Settings][Menus] Save Link As… is missing from Menu Customisation (VB-89216)
- [Speed Dial] Opening and closing a speed dial folder causing brief flickering/visibility of the full speed dial (VB-92879)
- [Tabs][Pannel] Pinned tab stack shows chrome://vivaldi-webui++++ in panel (VB-92946)
- [Tabs][Tiling] Wider gap between tiled Tabs (VB-93012)
- [Toolbars] Incorrect size of Feeds icon in Toolbar Editor (VB-92940)
- [UI Zoom] Don’t let the UI become unusably large (VB-93060)
- [Window Management] Drop shadow on windows missing (VB-93055)
- [Window Management] Offset after restoring minimised window (VB-93128)
- [Windows] Dragging a link from the browser prompts with a security alert when you open it on W10 (VB-79801)
Main photo by Geran de Klerk