Download (1183.3)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux Unsupported DEB: ARM32-bit | ARM64-bit
- [Linux] Vivaldi will crash if the user installs a third party libffmpeg.so with unresolved dependencies VB-39825
- [Themes] The background of the Menu bar not match with the Tab bar background VB-37886
- [Themes] Checkboxes in Settings Look Like Radio Buttons if Corner Rounding is High VB-40243
- [Themes] Poorly visible tree separator in dark themes
- [Quick Commands] Search does not work if there is a space at the beginning of the line VB-40199
- Privacy settings needs a link to privacy page VB-39542
- Further backported Chromium v66 security patches
Main photo by Cassidy Mills on Unsplash.