As with the last two snapshots, autoupdate remains disabled for the time being.
Known issues
- Autoupdate is disabled for this snapshot
- Crashes and other issues associated with the private window
- Problems with Mac window handling
Download (1.13.1002.4)
- Windows: 32-bit for Win7+ | 64-bit for Win7+
- macOS: 10.9+
- Linux DEB: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- Linux RPM: 64-bit (Recommended) | 32-bit
- [Regression] Visual tab switcher fixes VB-32399
- [Regression][Win][Linux] Crash when closing Private Window from Task bar VB-33885
- [Regression][Win][Linux] Vivaldi does not save window position and size VB-33452
- [Regression][Mac] Shortcut to toggle notes panel does not work VB-21728
- [Crash] Vivaldi will not open after crash VB-34070
- [Mac] External links not opened in active window VB-32395
- [Window Panel] Activate last active pinned tab when activating pinned folder VB-34060
- [Window Panel] Add support for “New stack for host” VB-34048
- [Settings] Settings search highlight – Fixing possible contrast issues for custom themes VB-32897
- [Pinned tabs] Audio icon color in pinned tabs VB-33686
- Broken layout when navigating up in URL dropdown VB-34118
- Reader view settings not cleared VB-33516