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See what’s new in Vivaldi

Vivaldi 7.2 for Android is here!

With Vivaldi 7.2 for Android, we’re giving you even more ways to fine-tune your browsing experience. Whether  it’s keeping your screen distraction-free, organizing your notes, or customizing how your address bar works, this update is all about giving you control.

A Cleaner Look: Hide the Navigation Bar

Sometimes, you just want a little more space. Now, you can hide the navigation bar when scrolling for a cleaner, more immersive browsing experience. This setting lets you focus on what matters most.

Smarter Notes with Custom Titles

Notes in Vivaldi are a great way to save ideas, snippets of text, or reminders. With Vivaldi 7.2, you can now add and edit titles for your notes, making it easier to organize and find them later. No more scrolling through a long list of untitled notes, just give them a name and keep everything neatly structured.

A More Personalized Address Bar

The Address Bar is your control center, and you get to decide what’s in it. We’ve added options to enable or disable Bookmarks and History suggestions, aligning Vivaldi on Android with its Desktop counterpart. Want fewer distractions when you search? Turn off history suggestions. Prefer to see your favorite sites pop up first? Enable bookmarks instead. It’s all about browsing on your terms.