Vivaldi has been updated

What's New

We've made a big change to improve site compatibility when browsing with Vivaldi, and a way to match up your theme with that of your OS – welcome to Vivaldi 2.10!

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bugs fixed


features added

Match your theme with your operating system

In today's update we've added another nice trick to Themes in Vivaldi. Your browser theme can now match up with changes from light/dark mode of your operating system.

Settings → Themes → Scheduled Themes → Use Operating System Theme

Better site compatibility

A browser’s User Agent is a line of text that is sent from the browser to the website when it connects, telling the site which platform (Operating System), architecture, and browser (including version) is being used.

With this version we've made a big change to Vivaldi's User Agent to make sure the browser works smoothly with all your favorite sites.

Vivaldi for Android: Beta 2

Since the launch of Vivaldi Beta in September we've been polishing, stabilizing and – of course – listening to your feedback! We've recently launched a new version of our Android app which is available now on Google Play.

Get it on Google Play