Vivaldi 5.2 RC 2 – Vivaldi Desktop Browser snapshot 2623.22/24

Today’s snapshot is the second release candidate for 5.2 for desktop and notebooks.

Release candidate feedback

To help us get 5.2 out the door as soon as possible, please focus your feedback on serious regressions since 5.1 stable. If you want to ask about new (post 5.2) features or longstanding issues, please do so on our forums.

There are also pre-release links to equivalent builds for the stable stream. These are for those of you who wish to upgrade early (having first tested in snapshot configuration). Autoupdate to these (or newer) stable builds will not be enabled until further testing is completed and the final is released.

Known Issues

  • When installed before the official 5.2 release date, build 2623.24 will show the wrong “What’s New” page on first launch.

Download – Snapshot stream (2623.22)

Download – Stable stream (2623.24)

(Note: Snapshot build 2623.22 and Stable 2623.24 are identical, except for icon resources and the stream they will receive updates from.)


  • [Crash] When opening vivaldi://apps (VB-87801)
  • [Chromium] Upgraded to 100.0.4896.81
  • [Downloads] Close button appears on the popup and closes the panel (VB-87973)
  • [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 101.0.4951.15-106454; Published 2022-04-02
  • [Speed Dial] Privacy Statistics show non-localized date (VB-87903)
  • [Tabs] Drag a tab to second monitor’s desktop doesn’t work (VB-87700)
  • [Tabs] Vertical tab does not remember last set width when restarted browser (VB-87876)

Changelog for Mail, Calendar and Feeds Beta

  • [Calendar] Year view sidebar disabled (VB-87982)
  • [Calendar][Settings] Account always appears in search (VB-87965)
  • [Mail][Keyboard] ‘e’ key in sent folder shows mails to and from self (VB-87517)

Main photo by Fernando Hernandez