Tip #636

Check the weather forecast straight from your Dashboard.

The Weather widget allows you to keep an eye on your local weather and any other place you’re curious about. See what you can expect in the next 24 hours as well as in the upcoming week.

To add the Weather widget:

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Click on «Add a Widget» at the bottom of the window.
  3. Select the Weather widget.
  4. Enter the location.
  5. Select your preferred measurement units.
  6. Click «Done».
Vivaldi's Start Page Dashboard with Weather, Date and Calendar Agenda widgets.

Tip #635

Hide the message that’s shown when you switch a video into fullscreen mode.

When you watch videos in fullscreen mode frequently, you’ve probably seen the message «Press Escape key to exit fullscreen» countless of times. Did you know that you can hide it?

To disable the message:

  1. Go to Settings > Webpages > Fullscreen Mode.
  2. Disable «Show Fullscreen Reminder».

Tip #634

Customize your Vivaldi blog’s post link structure.

You can create a custom URL structure for your Vivaldi blog’s permalinks. Custom URL structures can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links.

To update the permalink structure:

  1. Go to your blog’s Dashboard on vivaldi.net (while on your blog’s page, click on the blog’s title on the black menu bar).
  2. From the menu on the left side, go to Settings > Permalinks.
  3. Check out the examples and elect the link structure you like.
  4. Click «Save Changes».
Vivaldi blog's settings open on the Permalinks page.

Tip #633

Search for a setting in Vivaldi on Android instead of skimming through the various categories.

Vivaldi on Android has an abundance settings, which allow you to customize the appearance and functionality of the browser to your liking. The downside is that it can make finding the correct setting a bit time consuming, but we have a solution for that too — Search.

To search for a setting:

  1. Go to the Vivaldi menu > Settings.
  2. Tap on the search icon in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the search term.
Settings page in Vivaldi on Android. An arrow is pointing at the search button in the top right corner of the page.

Tip #632

View and open your synced tabs from the Windows Panel.

The Windows Panel lists tabs from all your Windows and Workspaces, as well as tabs you’ve recently closed. Also, if you’ve chosen to synchronize your open tabs, in addition to the Synced Tabs button on the far side of the Tab Bar, you’ll find them in the Windows Panel.

To open synced tabs from the Windows Panel:

  1. Log in to Sync in Vivaldi on all devices you want to keep in sync.
  2. Start syncing all data or make sure Tabs are selected for syncing.
  3. Open the Windows Panel.
  4. Find the Synced Tabs section.
  5. Double-click on the tab you want to open.
Windows Panel with focus on Synced Tabs.

Tip #631

View all posts in Vivaldi Feed Reader in one list.

With the Vivaldi Feed Reader you can curate your own custom news feed with content you’ve handpicked. Clicking on a feed’s name in the Feeds Panel will show you all posts from that source, but there is an easy way to view all content in a single list as well.

To view all feed posts:

  1. Open the Feeds Panel.
  2. Click on «Feeds» above the list of feeds you’ve subscribed to.

Bonus tip! Explore the sorting and filtering options above the list of posts to make catching up with news even more efficient.

Vivaldi Feeds showing all posts in one chronologically sorted list.

Tip #630

Join in the conversation on Vivaldi Team’s blog posts.

We post about big browser releases, small updates, and other cool news on our Vivaldi Blog and we love to see your comments to our posts. The original discussion threads are hosted on the Vivaldi Forum, but are mirrored below each article on vivaldi.com.

To participate in the conversation, simply log in to your Vivaldi account below the blog post and post your message.

Alternatively, log in on the Vivaldi Forum and find the discussion thread with the same title as the article either in the Vivaldi Blog category or in one of the platform specific News or Snapshot categories.

Vivaldi Blog's article open in Vivaldi Browser. An arrow is pointing at the Login button to be ablet to post a comment.

Tip #629

Search for specific words on the open web page in Vivaldi on iOS with Find in Page.

On desktop, Ctrl+F / ⌘ F is a well known Keyboard Shortcut for searching through the open web page. On mobile devices, where the screens fit even less content in the visible area, being able to just search for a keyword is even more useful.

To search in Vivaldi on iOS:

  1. Open the  Vivaldi menu.
  2. Select «Find in Page».
  3. Enter your search keyword.

Search results will start showing as you type. Use the arrows next to the search input field to move to the ˅ next and ˄ previous results. Tap on «Done», when you’re finished with your search.

Find in Page feature being used in Vivaldi on iOS, showing 2 out of 9 results on the screen matching the search keyword.

Tip #628

Open the downloaded file’s location with one click in the Downloads Panel.

Instead of looking through all your folders in the File Manager/Finder, you can easily open the destination folder of the downloaded file from the Downloads Panel.

To open the folder in which you saved a file:

  1. Open the Downloads Panel and locate the file in the list.
  2. Click on «Show in File Manager/Finder» button on the right side of the file title.
Vivaldi browser's Downloads Panel. An arrow is pointing at the "Show in File Manager" button.

Tip #627

Long press on links in Vivaldi on Android’s Progressive Web Apps to open them in the main browser window.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a great alternative to installing separate apps for websites and services you use frequently. But as you browse in the PWA, you may come across external links that open in the in-app browser view instead of the main browser.

To open links from a PWA in the main browser window:

  1. Long press on a link to open the context menu.
  2. Select «Open in Vivaldi browser».
PWA of a website open on an Android phone. Link's context menu is open in the foreground and an arrow is pointing at the option "Open in Vivaldi Browser".

Tip #626

Quickly find out more about people on Vivaldi Social from profile previews.

As you scroll through posts on Vivaldi Social, you’re bound to come across new profiles that get you curious about who the person is. You can get a quick overview of the author from profile previews.

To preview a profile:

  1. Find a post that has piqued your interest.
  2. Hover over the author’s display name.
Home feed open in Vivaldi Social. Little preview window of a profile is open on top of the author's post.

Tip #625

Pick a different size for the Widgets on your Dashboard.

The size of some Widgets can be resized to fit your Dashboard‘s layout better and/or to display as much or little content as you want to see.

To resize Widgets:

  1. Open the widget’s menu from the top right corner.
  2. Hover over «Widget Size».
  3. Choose between the Regular or Tall size.

Resizing is available for the following Widgets: Bookmarks, Calendar Agenda, Feeds, Latest Emails, Tasks and the Webpage widget.

Vivaldi browser's Dashboard. A widget's menu is open on the widget's size sub section.