Vivaldi Tips
A huge collection of Vivaldi browser tips, tricks and hacks.
Tip #47
Juni 23, 2022
Resize tiled tabs to give more room to tabs that need it.
I think we can all agree that Tiling Tabs is an excellent feature in Vivaldi, that allows you to view multiple web pages side by side. What’s even better is that you can resize the tiled tabs, because not all web pages need the same amount of space to see the important content.
To resize tiled tabs:
- Place the mouse cursor between the tiled tabs on the resize handle.
- When you see a ↔ double ended arrow instead of your normal mouse cursor, drag in either direction to resize the tiles.
To reset the resized tabs:
- Click on
the Page Tiling button on the Status Bar.
- Click on the current tiling method.
Tip #46
Juni 22, 2022
Choose how much information you want to see about events in the Calendar by choosing either the full, compact or minimal view.
Events in Calendar can include a lot of information. Whether you see everything or just the basics is for you to decide.
To switch between these views, click on the View buttons in the top right corner of the Calendar tab, next to the Filter and Search field.
Alternatively, change the view in Settings > Calendar > Calendar Settings > Events View.
Full – Shows the event time, title, description, location and link of the event.

Compact – Shows the same as above, but if the description or link info are too long only limited amount of that info will be displayed.

Minimal – Only event time and title are shown.

Tip #45
Juni 21, 2022
Create a Mailing List from an email address for quick access to all emails from the sender.
When you often need to view emails from a specific sender, instead of searching for their emails or using the option „Show messages for Sender“ every time, create a Mailing List with messages from the sender. Then you can easily open a list with all their messages from the Mail Panel.
To create a new mailing list:
- Open one of their messages.
- Right-click on the message header.
- Select Treat Sender as a Mailing List.

- Right-click on one of their messages in the message list.
- Select Sender > Treat Sender as a Message List.
A folder with all their messages will be created in the Mail Panel in the Mailing Lists section.
Tip #44
Juni 20, 2022
Disable „Use Tab Zoom“, if you want to set a different zoom level for specific websites.
By default, when you change the zoom level, it applies to the tab you have open, so all websites you visit in that tab will have the same zoom level, but if you open the website in a different tab it will have the default or that tab’s zoom level. If you prefer to set the zoom level for websites instead of tabs:
- Go to Settings > Webpages and make sure Use Tab Zoom has been disabled.
- Go to the website, where you want to change the zoom level.
- Use one of the zooming options to change the size of the site.
Then, no matter when you visit the website, it’ll have the zoom level you set for it in the past.
Tip #43
Juni 17, 2022
Keep the event editor inline with other events or have it pop out in a dialog. The choice is yours.
For adding and editing events, Vivaldi Calendar offers two types of editing modes.
Inline editor – edit events inside the calendar view with event information divided into tabs with all surrounding events visible.

Popup dialog – edit events with all information about the new event visible simultaneously, but surrounding events potentially hidden by the popup dialog.

To make your choice between the two, go to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Editing > Edit mode.
Tip #42
Juni 16, 2022
Enable threaded view of messages in Vivaldi Mail with a click of a button.
Threaded view of the mailbox is a great way to keep related messages together in a hierarchical order, thus saving you time from needing to look for the other messages in the email conversation or trying to figure out for which message the reply is for.
To enable threaded view:
- Open the Mail tab.
- In the top right corner, click on
Show Message Thread /
Hide Message Threads.

Depending on your choice, you’ll see one of the following views.
Unthreaded view

Threaded view

Tip #41
Juni 15, 2022
Press Ctrl+L / ⌘L to focus on the Address Field.
Before you can type a search term or a page URL to the Address Field, you need to focus on it.
To do that, you can:
- just click on the Address Field,
- type „Focus Address Field“ in Quick Commands,
- create a Mouse Gesture and use that, or
- if you’re hands are already on the keyboard, simply use the Keyboard Shortcut
Tip #40
Juni 14, 2022
Subscribe to YouTube channels and playlists with Vivaldi Feeds.
With Vivaldi, there’s no need to check YouTube or even a need for a Google account to keep up with the latest videos from your favorite content creators. Just add the YouTube channels and playlists to Vivaldi Feeds to be notified about new content and to watch the videos directly in the browser. Without any ads or tracking! 🥳
To subscribe to a channel or a playlist:
- Go to the channel’s or playlist’s page, or play one of the videos from the channel.
- Look for the
Page offers feeds button on the right side of the Address Bar and click on it.
- Review the name and the refresh interval.
- Click „Add Feed“.
These instructions don’t just apply to YouTube channels. You can add any website that offers feeds to Vivaldi this way.

Learn more about Feeds on our Help page and from this video.
Tip #39
Juni 13, 2022
Use single key shortcuts to switch between Calendar views.
Vivaldi Calendar offers 6 different views for your events – day, week, multiweek, month, year and agenda. You can switch between them by clicking on the view buttons in the top right corner of the Calendar (below Search) or by using keyboard shortcuts.
To switch views using your keyboard, first enable Single Key Shortcuts in Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts. Then, press one of the following keys on your keyboard:
- Day – D
- Week – W
- Multiweek – N
- Month – M
- Year – Y
- Agenda – A
As with any shortcuts in Vivaldi, you can change them in Settings > Keyboard.
Tip #38
Juni 10, 2022
Reorder sections in the Mail Panel to your liking.
The center point of Vivaldi Mail, the Mail Panel displays 8 sections: All messages, Custom folders, Mailing Lists, Filters, Flags, Labels, Feeds, and All Accounts.
If the default order doesn’t suit you, you can reorder the sections. If you know you’ll never use a specific section, you can hide it altogether.
To customize the Mail Panel:
- Go to Settings > Mail > Mail Settings > Mail Panel Order and Visibility.
- Select the section you want to move.
- Click on the arrows at the bottom of the list to move the folder up or down.
Alternatively, click and drag the section to its new location.
To hide a section untick the box in front of the section name.

Tip #37
Juni 9, 2022
Enable Mail, Calendar and Feeds from Settings > General > Productivity Features.
Vivaldi Mail, Calendar and Feeds have shed the Beta tag from their name and are now proudly version 1.0. 🥳
To start using Mail, Calendar and Feeds:
- Go to Settings > General > Productivity Features.
- Tick the box for Enable Mail, Calendar and Feeds.

If you’ve freshly installed Vivaldi or created a new User Profile, select Fully Loaded in the welcome flow.
Then you can start adding your email accounts to Mail, your calendars and events in Calendar, and keep track of the latest content from your favorite creators with Feeds.
For more info about these features check the following links:
Tip #36
Juni 8, 2022
Set a unique avatar image for each User Profile.
User Profiles are a great way to compartmentalize your browsing data (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) based on use case (personal, school, work, etc.) or when sharing the computer with someone.
To differentiate the profiles, add avatar images to each user profile. There are a few way you can do that.
Option 1
Log in to your Vivaldi account in the browser (Settings > Sync). Then your account’s profile image will be displayed as the user profile avatar image. To update your account’s profile image, go to the account’s profile on
Option 2
Select a premade avatar image.
- Click on the User Profile button on the Address Bar.
- Click on the active user’s name.
- Select one from the available images.
- Click Save.
Option 3
Use your own image.
- Click on the User Profile button on the Address Bar.
- Click on the active user’s name.
- Click on the big + button (Select custom avatar image) below the profile name.
- Find the image from your File Manager/Finder.
- Click Save.