Vivaldi Tips
A huge collection of Vivaldi browser tips, tricks and hacks.
Tip #671
mars 14, 2025
Restore your Vivaldi account’s login details on
If you find yourself in a situation where you struggle to remember your Vivaldi account’s username and/or login password, we have tools on that help you restore access to your account. First, make your way to a login page on any of Vivaldi’s web services or open Sync settings in the browser.
To recover the username:
- Click on « Forgot username » on the login page.
- Enter your account’s recovery email.
- Check the mailbox of the email you provided to find an email with the username.
To reset the login password:
- Click on « Forgot password » on the login page.
- Enter your account’s username.
- Enter your account’s recovery email.
- Check the mailbox of the email you provided.
- Go to the link in the email.
- Enter a new password.
If you’re unable to recover access to your account independently, send us a message, using the contact form at the bottom of our account-related Help pages and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Tip #670
mars 13, 2025
Declutter the Panels sidebar by hiding the Panels you don’t use.
Many of Vivaldi’s key features can be accessed from the Panels sidebar on the side of the browser window. Though we hope you find them all useful, there likely are some that you hardly ever use. If that’s the case, why not hide the panel buttons for a cleaner view allowing you to reach the Panels you do use faster?
To hide Panels:
- Locate an unused panel on the sidebar.
- Right-click on its button.
- Select « Remove from Toolbar ».
To bring a button back, go to the main Vivaldi menu > View > Customize Toolbar > Panel and drag the button back to the sidebar.

Tip #669
mars 12, 2025
Pick the most suitable layout for your blog – Classic, Simple, or Magazine.
Let your blog content stand out by selecting the most fitting and aesthetically pleasing layout for your blog on
- Classic – A classic single-column blog layout with a sidebar on the right.
- Simple – A straightforward, single-column layout with the option to add widgets to the footer.
- Magazine – A multi-column posts view with the option to add widgets to the footer.
To change the layout:
- Go to the blog’s Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
- Hover over the options and click on « Live Preview » to get a sneak peek into what your blog would look like.
- Click « Activate » to switch themes.
- Click « Customize » to make adjustments.

Tip #668
mars 11, 2025
Make updating events in the Vivaldi Calendar a delight by enabling the correct settings.
Which is more important to you – event length or that it ends at the set time even when the start time changes? Whatever your preference, Vivaldi Calendar comes with a setting to cater to both needs.
To review the setting:
- Go to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Settings > Calendar Editing > Auto Adjust End Time.
- Choose between:
- Always, i.e. push the end time forward,
- Never, i.e. keep the same end time,
- Adjust the end time, except for all-day events.
Tip #667
mars 10, 2025
Start fresh by deleting History and other browsing data in Vivaldi on iOS.
It can be convenient to find a page you recently visited or autofill forms with your information, but it’s also good to get rid of unnecessary data every now and then. In Vivaldi on iOS, you can choose what to delete and for what time period.
To delete your browsing data:
- Open the Vivaldi menu > Delete browsing data.
Alternatively, tap on « Delete browsing data » in the History Panel or go to Settings > Privacy and security > Delete browsing data. - Select the time range you want to delete data for.
- Select the data types you want to delete.
- Tap on “Delete browsing data”.

Tip #666
mars 7, 2025
Reorder tiled tabs for a more comfortable view.
In Vivaldi there’s no need to jump back and forth between tabs – Tab Tiling allows you to view several tabs at the same time in a split-screen view. Depending on your tab order and the layout of the web pages, the grid view might not work out of the box, so it’s necessary to adjust the view by resizing the tiles (see Tip #47) and by reordering the tabs in the tiled view.
To reorder tiled tabs:
- Click on a tab you want to move and hold down the mouse button.
- Drag the tab to a different location on the Tab Bar.
- Repeat with the other tiled tabs until all tiled tabs are where you want them.
Tip #665
mars 6, 2025
Keep conversations private on Vivaldi Social.
In addition to public posts, you can send direct messages on Vivaldi Social, which will be visible only to those who you mention/tag in the message. If you want to allude to someone, but don’t want them to see the message, exclude the @ symbol from in front of their user handle.
All private conversations can be viewed and managed on the « Private mentions » page.
To send a private message:
- Compose your message.
- In the message, mention everyone who should see it.
- From the message options menu, for visibility select « Specific people ».
- Click « Post » to send the message.
Please note that private messages on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted, so be cautious of the information you share.

Tip #664
mars 5, 2025
Choose which Speed Dial Group to display when going to the Start Page on mobile.
We all have our preferred workflows and it’s great when the tools you use are able to adapt to that workflow. That’s why in Vivaldi on Android and iOS you can choose what gets shown to you when you open the Start Page. Is it the selection of your most visited sites (bookmarked or not), the first group with your most important Speed Dials, or the one you viewed most recently?
To select your preferred Start Page opening view:
- Go to Settings > Start Page > Reopen Start Page with.
- Choose between:
- First Group,
- Top Sites,
- Last Visited Group.

Tip #663
mars 4, 2025
Keep the Tab Bar only for tabs by moving or hiding the other buttons.
In Vivaldi, you can customize aspects you might have not even known could be customized, for example, on the Tab Bar.
To hide the Synced and Closed Tabs buttons:
- Go to Settings > Tabs > Tab Display > Tab Bar.
- Disable « Display Trash Can » and/or « Display Synced Tabs Button ».
Please note that to open tabs sent from other synced devices using the « Send to Device » feature you need to have the Synced Tabs button enabled.
To hide the Workspaces menu:
- Go to Settings > Tabs > Workspaces.
- Disable « Show Workspaces in the Tab Bar ».
When the Tab Bar buttons have been hidden, you can access your Workspaces, and Synced and Closed Tabs from the Windows Panel.
To move the menu and window control buttons (minimize, maximize, close):
- Go to Settings > Appearance > Menu > Menu Position.
- Select « Horizontal ».
This will move the menu and window control buttons to their own toolbar.

Tip #662
mars 3, 2025
Create a Command Chain to copy the active tab’s link with a single shortcut.
If you’re a fan of using Vivaldi with your keyboard, you’re probably familiar with Ctrl/⌘ + L and Ctrl/⌘ + C shortcuts for copying the link of the web page you have open in the active tab. By using Command Chains, you can merge them into a single shortcut.
To create a chain for copying page links:
- Go to Settings > Quick Commands > Command Chains.
- Add a new chain with the following commands.
- Focus Address Field
- Delay (1000)
- Copy
- Go to Settings > Keyboard > Chains.
- Find your new chain and give it a new keyboard shortcut.
In addition, you can create a Mouse Gesture for the command, trigger it via Quick Commands, and add a button to the browser’s toolbars.
Tip #661
février 28, 2025
Get straight to your Start Page by disabling the Private Window Introduction.
When it’s your first time using a Private Window in Vivaldi, it’s good to be educated about what it actually entails. In Vivaldi, browsing in a Private Window means that searches, sites visited, cookies, and temporary files won’t be stored by Vivaldi. It does not encrypt or otherwise modify your connection.
That’s why you’ll see an introduction whenever you open a new Private Window. If you regularly browse in Private Windows, this information is already known to you. That’s why you can hide it and display your preferred New Tab Page, such as Speed Dials or the Dashboard instead.
To hide the introduction:
Option 1
- Open a new Private Window.
- Tick the box « Do Not Show Introduction Again ».
Option 2
- Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Private Windows.
- Disable « Show Introduction ».

Tip #660
février 27, 2025
Clear the list of recently closed tabs in Vivaldi on Android’s Tab Switcher.
In case you don’t want to delete your full browsing history on Android, but still want to do a little cleanup in the Tab Switcher, after closing irrelevant tabs, you can also remove them from the Closed Tabs list.
To clean up your Closed Tabs:
- Open the Tab Switcher.
- Go to the Closed Tabs page.
- Long-press on an entry.
- Select « Remove all ».