Vivaldi が機能てんこもりなワケ
ブラウザがもっとこうだったらいいのに!というみんなの声を詰め込んだから。必要機能全部入りなのに、Chrome 拡張機能も利用可能。できないことって逆に何?

F2 か ⌘E で小窓を開いたら、目的の機能名をタイプ・選択・実行!の一瞬で、Vivaldi 内のほとんどすべての機能を呼び出せます。キーボードから全く手を離さずに。

好きな色、壁紙、タブの丸み、他にもいろいろ自分仕様にカスタムできるのが Vivaldi です。ブラウザを使う時間を、もっと快適にするためにこだわっていこう!

カスタマイズ可能な UI

「他ブラウザで使ってた拡張機能が使えないと困るなあ」なんてご心配は無用です。Chrome の拡張機能がそのまま使えます。安心してブラウザお引っ越しください。

Vivaldi があなたのプライバシーを守るワケ
プライバシーを守るなら Vivaldi
ウェブサイトを見やすくするために Vivaldi には最初から、トラッカーと広告をブロックする機能が搭載されています。どのサイトでどのくらいブロックするかは、自分次第。ご希望に合わせて調整できます。
「あれ?このサイトのパスワード、なんだっけ?」そんな悩みは、もうおしまい!ログイン情報は、Vivaldi に保存しておこう。
Vivaldi への愛あるお言葉集

after testing around 10 browsers over the past 3 days, Vivaldi was already my top choice.

Started trying out #vivaldi and I'm really enjoying it. There's the privacy, of course, which is the reason I thought of trying it. But I'm also liking the idea of workspaces, grouping go-to websites by category, and the reading list also helps to declutter my tabs. Also, it's pretty fast.

The Vivaldi browser already has customizable gestures, even consisting of 2 movements at once. Might be worth checking out if this interests you!

@vivaldibrowser email manager, google calendar, google tasks, feeds manager, auto hibernate tabs, very customizable, my own theme... Using it since 2020...

Try @vivaldibrowser
It's highly customizable.

I am done with Google completely. I started using the Vivaldi browser and TutaMail. No more spying.

I’ve been using @vivaldibrowser for many years now and I can tell you its the best (for me).

The possibilities for customising Vivaldi are endless. Head over to the Vivaldi forums to ask how to configure it to suit your needs.

Check out the browser Vivaldi! It's the best in the game for ad and tracker blocking, and you can also set up workspaces to organize tabs! I keep dozens of tabs open in each workspace depending on what I'm doing but it's easier to see everything!

@vivaldibrowser hands down the best browser out there! And they just released there mobile version this year.

I use Vivaldi browser on desktop and mobile. It's great. No sense in giving Google more control over the web. I use a variety of alternative search engines such as Brave and DuckDuckGo.

Made the switch from #Chrome to #Vivaldi.
It's been fun Chrome, but recent changes in your behaviour has forced me to seek out a new default #browser.
So long and thanks for all the fish.

I was very vocal about my attempted, and failed migration from #Chrome to #Firefox as a browser. I've given #Vivaldi a chance and have been very pleasantly surprised. The performance matches my expectations and a lot of it's unique features are time savers, especially workspaces which is a better alternative to tab groups in Chrome.
So no tracking, as good or better performance, and great feature alternatives. So far it's checking all the boxes.