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Vivaldi 변경 사항

Full speed ahead with Vivaldi 7.2

We’re stepping on the gas! Making sure your browsing experience is better than ever, and faster! Whether you’re a power user with custom keyboard shortcuts or more spartan in your style, this update has something for you.

A Smarter and Faster Address Bar

The address bar is the gateway to the web, and we’ve just made it way faster. in Vivaldi 7.2 the address bar delivers quicker, and more relevant results. We’ve fine-tuned suggestions, improved search accuracy, and made sure that finding what you need feels seamless.

Faster Page Load

You might not see it, but you’ll feel the difference with Vivaldi 7.2’s new optimized connection handling. Say what? Eh, sorry, we’re geeks! We made pages load faster. For some of you it will be more than twice as fast. No tricks, no gimmicks, just good old-fashioned optimization.

Override Keyboard Shortcuts

Power users, this one’s for you. Vivaldi already has an extensive set of keyboard shortcuts, but now we’re offering a priority list, making it easier to manage your shortcuts. This ensures that your shortcuts work just the way you want, whether you want to prioritize vivaldi specific shortcuts or page specific ones.

Turn Emails Into Calendar Events

Emails and schedules go hand in hand, so we made them work together. Now you can create an event directly from an email, or from a web page. Got a meeting request? A concert ticket confirmation? No need to copy and paste details manually, simply right-click and create an event instantly.

What else is new in 7.2

New Currency Widget
Our new Currency Widget brings real-time conversions straight to your dashboard.

Workspaces in Quick Commands
Now you can find your workspaces even faster using Quick Commands.

Reorder Mail Accounts
For those of you managing multiple email accounts, we’ve made life easier by allowing reordering of your accounts in Vivaldi Mail.

모든 기기에서 Vivaldi 다운로드

iOS와 Android 기기에서 Vivaldi를 유연하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 언제 어디서나 강력하고 개인화된 보안 브라우징 환경을 위해 여러 기기 간에 Vivaldi 브라우저 데이터를 안전하게 동기화할 수 있습니다.

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