Download Vivaldi

We're building the most feature-packed, customisable browser out there and we have two ground rules: privacy is a default, and everything's an option.

適用於 Windows、Mac、Linux 以及 Android。
Vivaldi 完全支援 Windows 11。

Powerful. Packed with flexible features, all built in.

Personal. You make it your own, Vivaldi adapts to you.


Vivaldi on mobile

Clutter-free mobile browsing on your terms. Vivaldi on mobile is packed with useful features including a built-in Ad Blocker and tracking protection. You can seamlessly sync open tabs, saved logins, and notes to companion Vivaldi on desktop.


當您點選我們合作伙伴的書籤和快速撥號並進行購買時,Vivaldi 將從中賺取佣金。聯屬計劃和聯屬關係包括但不限於 eBay 合作伙伴網路。



3 100 000+活躍使用者
1 600 000+社群成員