Hoy mejoramos el rendimiento del navegador con la función de ahorro de memoria. Nuestro lector de fuentes recibe también mejoras para que resulte más fácil encontrar fuentes en tus sitios web favoritos.
Dale un respiro a tu portátil y alarga la vida de la batería con la función de ahorro de memoria.
Ya no hace falta que vayas cerrando pestañas. Nuestra nueva función de ahorro de memoria lo hace por ti.
Esta función te permite reducir el consumo de recursos al hibernar las pestañas que no hayas visitado recientemente, dejando que Vivaldi lo gestione de forma automática. De esta forma, notarás que la navegación en las pestañas activas será mucho más rápida. Si prefieres hacerlo tú mismo, puedes seguir hibernando de forma manual tus espacios de trabajo y pilas de pestañas.

Las pestañas inactivas seguirán siendo visibles y volverán a cargarse de forma automática cuando las selecciones. Algunas pestañas no se desactivarán, como las que están reproduciendo audio o vídeo, o las que contengan formularios a medio rellenar. Para liberar recursos de las páginas inactivas, dirígete a la sección Pestañas en los ajustes de Vivaldi, y activa la función Ahorro de memoria.
Detección automática por el lector de fuentes de Vivaldi
En Vivaldi no rastreamos tus hábitos de navegación, así que diseñamos el lector de fuentes de forma diferente a la habitual, de manera que tú tengas el control. No decidimos ni influenciamos los sitios que sigues.
Sitios populares como Reddit, Github y YouTube no tienen una solución intuitiva, y puede que no te des ni cuenta de que contienen fuentes a las que te puedes suscribir. El lector de fuentes de Vivaldi es ahora más receptivo a estas fuentes, para que puedas seguir subreddits y usuarios en reddit, así como lanzamientos de repositorios y commits en GitHub. En las páginas que lo permiten, Vivaldi detecta y muestra el botón para suscribirte a las fuentes en el campo de direcciones.
Y hay más en Vivaldi 6.7
- Crea espacios de trabajo con menos clics: antes, tenías que primero hacer un espacio de trabajo, encontrar las pestañas que quisieras incluir y moverlas desde el panel de ventanas. Ahora, con Ctrl + clic (⌘ + clic en macOS) puedes seleccionar tus pestañas y crear un espacio de trabajo nuevo haciendo clic derecho.

- Exporta contraseñas y fuentes: seguimos trabajando para mejorar la portabilidad de tus datos. Tus datos son tuyos, y deberías poder moverlos entre apps como quisieras. Ahora puedes exportar tus contraseñas, además de tus fuentes, marcadores, accesos rápidos, lista de lectura, notas y logins. A diferencia de otros navegadores, Vivaldi no restringe tu uso de internet, para que utilices las apps que tú quieras.

- Pon tus apps una al lado de la otra con la vista en pantalla dividida para Mac: esta opción te permite partir tu pantalla en dos secciones, una para cada app. Esto es especialmente útil para pantallas grandes. En cualquier plataforma, puedes también usar nuestra vista en mosaico para ver dos o más pestañas simultáneamente.

For anyone who needs powerful productivity, portability and privacy, let them know about Vivaldi. We continue to improve the browser and with the help of your feedback, add various options so that you can browse the web on your terms.
Take a look at the changelog for more improvements and fixes in Vivaldi 6.7. Enjoy the new Vivaldi and let us know what impresses you the most.
Changelog from 6.6 to 6.7
- [New][Settings] Memory Saver option (VB-97828)
- [New][Workspaces] Use selection to create a workspace (VB-104081)
- [New][macOS] Enable the Split View menu on window controls (VB-81255)
- [New][Feeds] Export feeds as OPML (VB-104770)
Address bar
- [Address bar] Autocomplete resets when left clicking the proposed text (VB-105465)
- [Address bar] Don’t do dropdown searches until previous finishes (VB-104648)
- [Address bar] Don’t render outdated dropdown searches (VB-104893)
- [Address bar] Improve bookmark search (VB-104169)
- [Address bar] Improve drop down performance (VB-105358)
- [Address bar] Suggestions get stuck and activates even after quickly entering more text (VB-105061)
- [Address bar] The selected item isn’t cleared on undo (VB-105651)
- [Address bar] Triggers a search when URL starts with one space or more (VB-104070)
- [Address bar] URLs with an “@” character are treated as search terms (VB-102181)
- [Bookmarks] Tooltips missing for bookmarks in panel/window (VB-5201)
- [Bookmarks] When the nickname already was used, the alert about it don’t show (VB-103979)
- [Bookmarks] when importing bookmarks from a browser with folders included, each folder has a duplicate in its own folder, which is empty (VB-90560)
- [Calendar] Changing upcoming instances of task leaves duplicate (VB-105093)
- [Calendar] Display dead WebCAL (HTTP/404 or 410) subscriptions as broken (VB-104352)
- [Calendar] Empty href property leads to duplication (VB-104832)
- [Calendar] Event exception duplicates (VB-104869)
- [Calendar] Exceptions sent to server when they should not be (VB-105149)
- [Calendar] Marking a task complete displays a copy of the task for a second (VB-104182)
- [Calendar] Search results shows wrong date for tasks (VB-103418)
- [Calendar] Tries to create event on server when updating (VB-105511)
- [Calendar] Use mouse scroll to navigate previous/next period (VB-79382)
- [Calendar][Menus] Right click and add to calendar results in an error (VB-105208)
Direct Match
- [Direct Match] Enable for more regions (VB-105489)
- [Direct Match] Remote files should be signed and their signature checked (VB-104678)
- [Direct Match][Settings] Make enable/disable syncable (VB-105725)
- [macOS] Opening external link when Vivaldi is closed opens in new window behind regular window (VB-39284)
- [macOS] Opening external link when closed opens in new window behind regular window (VB-39284)
- [macOS] Use LZMA compression in .dmg packages for a smaller initial download (VB-105498)
- [macOS][Settings] Settings Window minimum size is smaller than can be seen (VB-104295)
- [macOS][Tabs] Window control buttons are misaligned with “Show Title Bar” enabled and tabs not on top (VB-105097)
- [macOS][Welcome] Handle Safari import from the Welcome page (VB-97003)
- [macOS][Workspaces] Link routing does not work correctly when there are no windows open (VB-100520)
- [Mail] Account server fields don’t display correctly (VB-104193)
- [Mail] Autolinking of web addresses in plain-text mode is broken by some link contents (VB-104970)
- [Mail] Change From/To/Cc inputs in search should always be visible and not hidden in dropdown (VB-104155)
- [Mail] Change Has attachment from dropdown to checkbox (VB-104047)
- [Mail] Change Subject to Header in search target selection (VB-104274)
- [Mail] Choosing Header while searching in contact breaks results (VB-104307)
- [Mail] Choosing different “Search in” folders should use view filters toggles of folder (VB-104218)
- [Mail] Clear search does nothing after manually opening search with no query (VB-104122)
- [Mail] Creating a filter from mail settings does not save end date (VB-105649)
- [Mail] Current folder always says “Selected” in “Search in” dropdown (VB-104128)
- [Mail] Delete MailSearchDB file before rebuilding Mail search db (VB-104451)
- [Mail] Emails from a certain site dated as 1/1/1970 (VB-80867)
- [Mail] Empty IMAP error messages (VB-103378)
- [Mail] Filter warning dialog doesn’t show up (VB-104721)
- [Mail] Going back in mail does not do what it should (VB-28843)
- [Mail] IMAP accounts that are made offline produce connection errors (VB-104135)
- [Mail] In the All Messages view, visibility which is turned on by search fails to reset after search is canceled (VB-104099)
- [Mail] Inbox and Sent for POP3 + Offline Account are hidden when “Show unsubscribed Mailboxes” is unchecked (VB-98120)
- [Mail] Lower logging levels for intermittent and noisy messages: further fixes (VB-102850)
- [Mail] Mails are not fetched for days (VB-99448)
- [Mail] Message about offline account is not correctly aligned (VB-105545)
- [Mail] Remember Search Show more state during session (VB-105182)
- [Mail] Remember sort state for mail folders (VB-28243)
- [Mail] Save attachment dialog appears behind mail search (VB-105516)
- [Mail] Search field width doesn’t adjust on layout change (VB-104857)
- [Mail] Searches wrong folder name when current folder setting on (VB-104987)
- [Mail] Searching in ‘From’ field clears the entire search UI (Closed) (VB-104132)
- [Mail] Show messages from sender and selecting contact in contacts panel: returns 0 results (VB-104276)
- [Mail] Subscribe to folder is behind mail tree and therefore unclickable (VB-68484)
- [Mail] Switching between folders does not sort (VB-105379)
- [Mail] Unify appearance of search inputs fields (VB-104289)
- [Mail] Verified but authentication fails on second account (VB-104211)
- [Mail] “Search in” folder selection is reset after modifying the searched term (VB-104106)
- [Mail][Calendar] Icons have different baseline alignment (VB-105333)
- [Mail][Settings] Deleted mail password could not be added again (VB-104723)
- [Menus] Show Address Bar missing from View Menu (VB-67296)
- [Menus] View menu doesn’t change the show/hide status (VB-92504)
- [Menus] “Close Tabs to the Right” not always showing up (VB-105436)
- [Menus][Settings] Provide a way to switch between new and old menu styles (VB-105645)
- [Panels] Exclude window titles from search (VB-104969)
- [Panels] Favicon doesn’t update when web panel is created (VB-104672)
- [Panels][Extensions] Better extension panel handling (VB-105142)
- [Reader] <pre> element not rendering correctly in Reader Mode (VB-95292)
- [Reader] Doesn’t support Right-To-Left (VB-99954)
- [Reader] Huge Emoji in Reader View (VB-92065)
- [Reader] Resizes svg icons extremely (VB-99492)
- [Reader] Triggers on history navigation (VB-98990)
- [Settings] Allow manual Site Permissions editing (VB-104176)
- [Settings] Delete selected cookie needs dedicated button (VB-9027)
- [Settings] Disable overridden keyboard focus settings
- [Settings] Extend cookie item to show partition key info (VB-104438)
- [Settings][Tabs] Unable to change number of Tabs in “Confirm Closing Tabs over Maximum of” setting (VB-104702)
- [Tabs] Allow closing tabs in pinned tab stack (VB-104559)
- [Tabs] Audio icon isn’t center aligned (VB-78982)
- [Tabs] Closing a tab by clicking on the “X” button in the Window side panel with “Activate with Single Click” activated, leads to a blank page (VB-98381)
- [Tabs] Contrast not enough to distinguish which tab is dimmed after hibernated (VB-82773)
- [Tabs] Margins around vertical tabs is not equal (VB-104778)
- [Tabs] Multi tab selection can fail due to web panels (VB-103853)
- [Tabs] Position of pinned tab moves when stacked (VB-104560)
- [Tabs] Reopen stacked tab in another workspace (VB-96474)
- [Tabs] Shift+Click on Home icon should Open Home Page in a New Tab (VB-96402)
- [Tabs] Thumbnails in vertical stacks are compacted (VB-88695)
- [Tabs] Thumbnails should have a minimum height when shown “left” or “right” (VB-77184)
- [Tabs] Tiled page find in page executed in other focused tiled tab (VB-78192)
- [Tabs] When the tab bar is on the left or right, the new tab button isn’t fixed (VB-17646)
- [Tabs][Settings] Reduce the frequency of updating tab thumbnails when all tab thumbnail-related features are disabled (VB-104608)
- [Translate] Auto translate don’t translate selected content (VB-104386)
- [Translate] Button missing from address bar after page refresh (VB-104233)
- [Translate] Display the detected language in the Translate Panel (VB-103878)
- [Translate] Nikkei.com and multiple <br> elements not all being translated (VB-77528)
- [Translate] Not working for at least one language (VB-84617)
- [Translate] Problems with translation if there is a <code> tag (VB-84149)
- [Translate] Translate *[title], img[alt], input[placeholder], and input[type=button][value] attributes (VB-104511)
- [Translate] about:blank shows in status bar when translating (VB-103656)
- [Translate] taobao.com not able to translate from Chinese to English (VB-85545)
- [Workspaces] Add option to have divider under workspaces button (VB-104735)
- [Workspaces] Allow using selection of tabs to create new workspace from workspace list (VB-104906)
- [Workspaces] Don’t swap when switching to blank page (VB-104637)
- [Workspaces] Inconsistent focus outline for Workspaces list (VB-104137)
- [Workspaces] Missing border next to Workspace button (VB-104761)
- [Workspaces] Selection to create a workspace is not offered if no workspaces have been created before (VB-104904)
- [Workspaces] Switch using the mouse wheel (VB-105494)
- [Workspaces][Tabs] Title alignment with vertical tabs (VB-104896)
- [Crash] On corporate machines: further fix (VB-103871)
- [Crash][Panels][Extensions] “Closing” web panel with extensions (VB-103614)
- [Blocker] Invalid blocked notifications (VB-105472)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 124.0.6367.90[Commands] Introduce command for “add page to webpanel” (VB-104190)
- [Commands] Placeholders for command chains only work from menus (VB-105201)
- [Cookies][Settings] The allow third-party cookies per site override is not working (VB-104959)
- [Downloads] Over plain HTTP fails to open save as dialog (VB-103844)
- [Downloads][Themes] Save download could be clearer (VB-104793)
- [Extensions][Panels] Chrome.sidePanel.open() api call is ignored (VB-105176)
- [Extensions][Panels] Close and remove side panel properly after uninstall (VB-104762)
- [Feeds] Map Github and Reddit URLs to known feed URLs to allow for enhanced auto-discovery (VB-105357)
- [Feeds] The user should be prompted when deleting a feed (VB-87440)
- [Guest] Guest profile is referred as “Guest session” by exit button in profile manager dialog (VB-103993)
- [Guest] Window toolbars should not be customizable (VB-89158)
- [History] No space between text and dropdown in history delete dialog (VB-104062)
- [Language] Correct Kurdish locale language code (VB-81478)
- [Linux][Media] Allow a short startup delay to fixup media on major updates (VB-104319)
- [Linux][Media] Monitor a location for a new libffmpeg and inform the user to restart if one appears (VB-103899)
- [Linux][Settings] The fonts listed by default are incorrect, the alphabetically first font is listed (VB-100283)
- [Localization] Wrong date formats in various places (VB-55297)
- [Notes] Copying note includes title and creation date + time (VB-104656)
- [Notes] Sort by Last Modified timestamp for notes (VB-92788)
- [Password Manager] Add Export Passwords to Export menu (VB-105171)
- [Privacy] Disabled more privacy sandbox items (made sure first party sets are disabled)
- [Private Window] [Update Notifier] Warn that Private Windows are reset in Restart Required prompt (VB-105066)
- [Quick Commands] Open Bookmarks in New Tab setting (VB-103919)
- [Quick commands] Wrong autocomplete when not exactly matching command (VB-103596)
- [Search] Escaping problem with POST (VB-99320)
- [Sessions][Workspaces] When updating sessions names appear to be editable but they are not (VB-104635)
- [Tasks] Gap between task box and title disappears when the task is selected (VB-104800)
- [Tasks] Without start time added to the next time slot (VB-104236)
- [Themes] No error handling when failing to import or install a theme (VB-104968)
- [Themes] ‘Accent from page’ setting overrides background blur in vertical tab bar (VB-101022)
- [Toolbars] Buttons covered by Status Bar border (VB-104606)
- [Toolbars] Status info overlay should not depend on status bar (VB-104287)
- [UI][Settings] Updates to various translations
- [Web Compatibility] Disabled clickable element (VB-104434)
- [Welcome Page] Border-radius applied incorrectly (VB-105606)
- [Window management] Window minimum size is smaller than can be seen (VB-104294)