Fighting for a better web

We’re not working at Vivaldi, we’re fighting.

Fighting for a better web than we have now.

We are fighting for an end to the stranglehold the tech giants have on the web.

We are fighting to end the relentless exploitation of the web and civil discourse for corporate profit.

The web once thrived on openness and innovation, but tech giants have turned it into a walled garden, exploiting our data and monopolizing our digital lives for profit. We’re fighting for a web that’s free from manipulation, where you control your experience, not algorithms.

Vivaldi is designed to break those chains. With complete customization, privacy-first features, and no compromise on your freedom, we’re leveling the playing field. We make Vivaldi because we love the web. And because we love the web, we fight to keep it for everyone.

Jón von Tetzchner
CEO, Vivaldi Technologies

A web for everyone

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the web, he envisioned an open, democratic space for all. There were no patents, no monopolies, just freedom to share and create. Fast forward, and what do we see today? Massive corporations have turned this open space into their own private playground, blocking off content, tracking every move, and locking us into their ecosystems.

Tim Berners-Lee's tweet 'This is for everyone' at the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony
1904 cartoon depicting Standard Oil as an evil octopus

Rise of the web Robber Barons

Once upon a time, innovative companies helped shape the web into a tool for billions of people. Today, many of those same companies resemble industrial factories, extracting data and profits while poisoning the internet with surveillance and dark patterns. Big Tech has morphed into monopolies, pushing their walled gardens while suffocating competition. It’s time to take that freedom back.

What is a better web?

The web should be a place where technology empowers us, not exploits us. But today’s web is shackled by a few monopolies, making decisions for billions. We believe a better web is one where users, not corporations, are in control. A web that’s secure, open, and accessible, where you can choose your tools, your experience, your future.

How Vivaldi fights back

At Vivaldi, we build a browser that empowers you. We’ve taken a stand against the surveillance-driven model of Big Tech. We’ve engaged with regulators and advocates around the world, but we don’t stop there. We’re actively creating tools that help you fight back, whether it’s our built-in ad and tracker blockers, or the ability to customize everything about your browser.

Putting you in control

We believe your browser should adapt to you, not the other way around. Want your tabs on the side? Go for it. Need separate workspaces for different projects? Done. Vivaldi lets you fine-tune every aspect, so your browsing experience is exactly what you want.

Algorithms aren’t your friend

Ever wonder why your social media feed keeps pushing the same kind of content? Or why ads for something you searched days ago still follow you around the web? That’s algorithms at work, keeping you engaged (or enraged) while feeding off your data. Vivaldi does things differently. Our feed reader is algorithm-free, putting you in charge of what you see.

Built on Human Intelligence

We don’t buy into the idea that everything needs to be powered by AI. Especially not the kind that uses your data without permission, or plagiarizes and pollutes the web with misinformation. Large Language Models may be superficially impressive, but they come with huge costs, consuming energy and water, while eroding privacy and accuracy. At Vivaldi, we’re focused on tools that genuinely help, without exploiting your data or turning you into a product.

Making bad ads sad

Not all ads are bad, but surveillance ads definitely are. We believe creators should get paid without you being followed around the web and snooped on. Vivaldi’s tracker blocker uses customizable lists of well-known tracker URLs to stop trackers following you around the web and using your personal data to profile you. It’s built in, so doesn’t rely on extension architecture. But the whole ecosystem needs fixing, so Vivaldi supports regulation to prevent intrusive profiling.

Employee-owned, user-focused

Vivaldi is headquartered In Norway, proudly employee-owned, with no external investors pulling the strings. This means we make decisions that are best for you, not for shareholders’ profit. We build the browser we want to use, listening to our users to create a web experience that’s free, powerful, and uniquely yours.

Join the fight!

The web needs to stay free, open, and for everyone. At Vivaldi, we’re doing our part to keep it that way. But we can’t do it alone. By using Vivaldi, you’re not just choosing a browser, you’re joining the fight for a better web. It’s time to take back the web, one tab at a time.

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