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See what’s new in Vivaldi
No more locked-in social networks. Say hi to 🐘
Almost all popular social media networks are controlled by large corporations.
Platforms like Mastodon, a distributed social media network based on open standards, help break down overarching control. No owner, no surveillance capitalism, and no tracking or profiling of users!
We’ve joined the Mastodon network with our own instance (server), Vivaldi Social, an alternative that’ll help you to take back control of your newsfeed – and your time.
What is Mastodon? Open standards? What’s our instance all about? Read more.
Connect to Mastodon from the Vivaldi Panel✨
We’ve integrated Mastodon into the Panel (sidebar)!
This is a browser first! 🙌
Now that Vivaldi Social, our Mastodon instance, is integrated into the sidebar, you can communicate with anyone on Mastodon whether they use Vivaldi or not.
Plus, you can add any Mastodon instance of your choice as a Web Panel to this sidebar, creating a split-screen view. Easy.
Take a deep dive into Panels here. Oh! BTW, Panels are now included in the Editable Toolbars lineup. 👏
The signup process to Vivaldi Social is super easy 🙂
Open to everyone, Vivaldi Social is easy to get connected to. Head to vivaldi.net to sign up for a free account.
Already have a login set up for Vivaldi Sync, Forum, or the Blogging platform? Sign in with your credentials and get an account on the fly on our Mastodon instance.
Note: Your account name has merely been reserved for you on Vivaldi Social. You are not signed up automatically but must opt-in to activate your account.
Pin up those Tab Stacks 😍
This is neat.
Just right-click on the Tab Stack (tab group) and select the pin option from the context menu and free up the space an entire stack uses on the tab bar.
You can pin Tabs Stacks no matter how you prefer to use Tab Stacking – whether open in two rows (Two-level Tab Stacks), Accordion style, or Compact.
Learn and enjoy the glorious tab features here.
YOU have a new search engine 🔍
Because you prefer to use privacy-friendly search engines, we’ve added a new one.
You.com is now on our list of integrated default search engines.
For now, You.com is only available for Vivaldi users in countries including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
More on this here.
Say Hello to new shiny icons 🎉
The Settings Page is all revamped! And looks beautiful with more color for every category and its oh-so-cool feature icons. 🤩
Discover your favorite features more easily and quickly. (Or disable these new colors, if you prefer.)
Vivaldi Settings showcases a vast array of Vivaldi features. Check them out here.