
看看 Vivaldi 有什么新功能

👋 Windows Panel is here

Easily move tabs between the tab bars of different windows, or even between tab stacks (groups) on different windows.

Search and filter tabs across all of your windows and tab stacks to find exactly what you’re after, instantly.

And even use it to quickly mass restore all closed tabs from the trash! How awesome is that?😍

Auto-mark your emails as read🎉

The built-in Vivaldi Mail gives you different states for your email – unseen, unread, and read. You can filter mails based on whether or not they have been read.

Marking something as fully “read” is a manual process by default in Vivaldi and is certainly powerful.

But some of you may prefer mail clients and webmail services automatically marking mail as read. Since Vivaldi adapts to your different needs, now you can auto-mark your mails as read. Convenient! 🙌

More power to Keyboard Shortcuts🤩

No magical powers are needed to deal with spam! Our customizable Keyboard Shortcuts do the job. 💪

If you are a keyboard warrior, you can now map your own shortcut to mark emails as spam, without having to use a mouse.

Vivaldi Social, our Mastodon instance, explained!

Our trusty software engineer and Mastodon aficionado Ruari Ødegaard has created a handy explainer on the ‘fediverse’.

This tutorial covers Mastodon and our Mastodon instance, Vivaldi Social.

Along the way, he’ll give you a look at all the great things that we’re doing there. Join us!

全平台领略 Vivaldi

享受在 iOS 和安卓设备上使用 Vivaldi 的灵活性。跨设备安全地同步您的 Vivaldi 浏览器数据,随时随地获得强大、个性化和私密的浏览体验。

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