Prijatelj vas poziva u Vivaldi

Ovo je pregledač koji ste čekali.
Moćne funkcije, beskrajna personalizacija i etička privatnost.

Preuzmi na Google Play Preuzmite u App Store

“The best browser”


“Web's best browser”


“Fantastic for power users”


“Packed with helpful, innovative features”


Organizujte svoje kartice

Recite zbogom prenatrpanosti karticama pomoću Vivaldi-jevih moćnih funkcija kartica. Pitaćete se kako ste uopšte snalazili bez njih.

Vaša bočna traka, vaša pravila

Ćaskajte sa prijateljima, proveravajte e-poštu i kontrolišite svoju muziku — sve sa bočne trake Vivaldi pregledača.

Izgradite svoj savršeni pregledač

Možete prilagoditi svaki aspekt Vivaldi pregledača, od položaja kartica do boje teme.

Šta ljudi kažu o Vivaldi pregledaču

Alfredo@[email protected]

Started trying out #vivaldi and I'm really enjoying it. There's the privacy, of course, which is the reason I thought of trying it. But I'm also liking the idea of workspaces, grouping go-to websites by category, and the reading list also helps to declutter my tabs. Also, it's pretty fast.

Tomasz Sierko@SierkoSiekierko

The Vivaldi browser already has customizable gestures, even consisting of 2 movements at once. Might be worth checking out if this interests you!


The latest @vivaldibrowser for iOS is wild! 🤩

Messias Soares@_messiasspp

@vivaldibrowser email manager, google calendar, google tasks, feeds manager, auto hibernate tabs, very customizable, my own theme... Using it since 2020...

@ChuckBaggett Chuck Baggett@ChuckBaggett

Try @vivaldibrowser
It's highly customizable.


Vivaldi is a GREAT browser for Desktop power users.

Reclining Buddha@Allin_on_Tesla

The possibilities for customising Vivaldi are endless. Head over to the Vivaldi forums to ask how to configure it to suit your needs.

Ashley Victoria@Ash_Victoria_

Check out the browser Vivaldi! It's the best in the game for ad and tracker blocking, and you can also set up workspaces to organize tabs! I keep dozens of tabs open in each workspace depending on what I'm doing but it's easier to see everything!


@vivaldibrowser hands down the best browser out there! And they just released there mobile version this year.

Dr. Kitty Muffins@catfanatic3000

I use Vivaldi browser on desktop and mobile. It's great. No sense in giving Google more control over the web. I use a variety of alternative search engines such as Brave and DuckDuckGo.


Made the switch from #Chrome to #Vivaldi.
It's been fun Chrome, but recent changes in your behaviour has forced me to seek out a new default #browser.
So long and thanks for all the fish.

Mike Fraser@[email protected]

I was very vocal about my attempted, and failed migration from #Chrome to #Firefox as a browser. I've given #Vivaldi a chance and have been very pleasantly surprised. The performance matches my expectations and a lot of it's unique features are time savers, especially workspaces which is a better alternative to tab groups in Chrome.

So no tracking, as good or better performance, and great feature alternatives. So far it's checking all the boxes.

U svetu prikupljanja podataka, Vivaldi se izdvaja. Ne pratimo vas, ne profilišemo vas i sigurno ne prodajemo vaše podatke. Samo čisto pregledanje kako bi trebalo da bude.
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Preuzmi Vivaldi