Inig akked Vivaldi deg tkeṛṛust-ik Renault

Vivaldi d iminig web uslig s yifecka usliɣen i Tunigin tusligt, taɣellsant, tuzribt, yettwaḍemnen, mi ara tiliḍ deg Renault inek tamaynut.

Yella deg Google Play

Zuzer ismenyifen-ik

Vivaldi for Android Automotive OS opens a whole new world of entertainment options. The best part? You can access your favorite streaming services, without the need for third-party apps.

Qqim d uqqin

Err takeṛṛust-ik d almus n n uxeddim mi ara tettedduḍ. Ttekki deg yisaragen srid seg tkeṛṛust-ik,rnu sbadu anekcum ɣer meṛṛa isnasen-inek i ak-inefεen.

Kemmel asnirem

Rnu ismal-inek i tḥemmleḍ deg Speed Dial i d-yettaldayen deg yal iccer amaynut, i unekcum srid. Semyizwer-iten deg yikaramen, tferneḍ seg uqettun n textiṛiyin n tneɣrufin, terreḍ-t akken i t-tebɣiḍ.

Ugar n usagen. nigin tuzribt. Ɣef meṛṛa ibenkan-ik•im.

Kemmel ansi akken i tḥebseḍ, s umtawi n yisefka n yiminig Vivaldi ɣef tilifun-ik, ɣef tfelwit n uselken d uselkim-ik.

Android, Google Play and YouTube are trademarks of Google LLC.

Temlaleḍ-d uguren?
Awi-d tallalt seg uskasi n Vivaldi neɣ Nermes-aɣ-d ɣer [email protected].