Tame your tabs

Go ahead. Open as many tabs as you want.
These built-in tools put you in full control.




Vertical tabs



タブの行ったり来たり、昔ようやってた - このタブタイリング機能で、もうやらんようなったけど。ブログ記事の下書きとリサーチを、同時にやったり。動画の複窓視聴も。上下左右、好きなページを好きな場所に置くの、気持ちええで。


PhotoFlorent CT@Kapcash

Using @vivaldibrowser, you can display both the mobile and medium sized version of your web page on the same tab. This is great to check your website responsiveness!

PhotoTomás Fonseca@inserirusername

@vivaldibrowser just saw the option "Stack tabs by host" and it just made my day!

PhotoDr. Chief Heretic, MPH@TheChiefHeretic

The recent tab upgrades - double layer stacking plus renaming - is killer! The UX the whole way is so good. Keep up the good work!!

PhotoAleksey Voznesenski@ace5c4d

I'm REALLY digging @vivaldibrowser. Mouse gestures are very very cool. Also being able to put tabs on the side. It's super customisable

PhotoArild Fines@rogue_code

I use @vivaldibrowser which has tab search already built in. It also lets you put the tab well vertically with a scrollbar, which means you can always read tab titles and icons. This, in addition to automatic tab hibernation, makes the number of open tabs a non-issue.

PhotoAaron @ 🏡@AReynaldosG

Tom, if you're in the mood I recommend using @vivaldibrowser. If you keep multiple tabs you can group them and name the group. You can mute all but the active tab through configuration or keyboard shortcuts.



Accordion tabs

Accordion tabs allow you to expand and collapse a tab stack with a single click. It's a great way to quickly show and hide information, especially when you have a limited amount of space available.



Scrollable tabs

Scrollable Tabs let you scroll tabs and two-level tab bars horizontally, so you can keep more tabs open without them shrinking. Navigate by scrolling your mouse or using the arrows on either side of the tabs.

Pinned tabs

Pinned Tabs allow you to keep your most used tabs and tab stacks open and available in the same location, at all times.



Periodic reloader

Use Periodic Reloader to set reload tab values, so you are always looking at the latest version of a site or so you stay logged in, while working elsewhere. A countdown will display on the Tab under the favicon and title.





Undo tab close

Need to reopen a tab you just closed? Just click the tab-trash-icon Closed Tabs button for a list of previously closed Tabs and Windows within the latest session; then, click the one you want to reopen.



