Finally, a free Superhuman alternative with superpowers

Vivaldi Mail supercharges your email client into a command center - across multiple accounts, mailing lists and feeds.



Make your email client work the way you want

While most email clients & services have a workflow for you in mind, Vivaldi Mail lets you customize it to your heart’s content. Take control of how your email client looks, feels, and works.

Organize all your accounts

Take back the hours you spend sorting emails every day. Instantly access all your email accounts in a single, unified inbox, and deal with messages more quickly — so you can move on to what matters most in your day.


Say goodbye to inbox clutter with the Toggle Views feature. Hide or show Read emails, as well as messages from mailing lists, custom folders, feeds, junk, and trash, to quickly get the information you need.


Speed through your inbox

Say hello to more efficient email workflows, with customizable shortcuts! Vivaldi Mail offers 16 configurable keyboard and mouse shortcuts to compose new emails, reply to emails, and more.

Search through all inboxes, instantly

Vivaldi Mail’s powerful database lets you instantly search through selected views or all emails — even when you’re offline. Find that travel itinerary or those meeting details faster.

Vivaldiメール対Superhuman Vivaldi Mail Superhuman
Lets you manage multiple accounts in a single inbox フルサポート フルサポート
Automatic contact generation フルサポート サポートなし
最初から入ってるカレンダー フルサポート フルサポート
Built-in feed reader フルサポート サポートなし
カスタムキーボードショートカット フルサポート フルサポート
Customizable mouse gestures フルサポート サポートなし
Searches can be saved as a new filter フルサポート フルサポート
Automatic mailing list detection and filtering フルサポート フルサポート
Seamlessly integrated in a browser フルサポート サポートなし

Our answer to organizing your email

  • Learn what makes Vivaldi Mail's UI so special
  • See how easy it is to get organized
  • Go behind the scenes of every feature
Explore Vivaldi Mail features


Your time is valuable. Why spend it digging through folders? Instead, create views that show the messages that matter most.

Unseen and unread


Strict privacy policy

Vivaldi Mail doesn't collect information about your behavior, and we make it difficult for others to track you.




3 100 000+アクティブユーザー
1 600 000+コミュニティメンバー

Need more reasons to switch to Vivaldi Mail?

Here are some more reasons why Vivaldi Mail is the best mail client for power users like you.

Built-in Calendar

Send and receive event invites seamlessly with Vivaldi Calendar.


New feed items from Vivaldi Feed Reader display like your other messages in the Mail interface.


Vivaldi Mail is based on the same robust core as your favorite browser. Manage thousands of messages in a single unified inbox.

The database

A database of all your messages, labels, filters, searches is the bedrock of Vivaldi Mail. All your mail is indexed, so it's searchable offline.


Searches can be saved as filters. No need to create folders every time.

Multi-account support


